Chapter 9 - Revelations are a wonderful thing. Not.

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I held Incaendium in my hands and carefully examined the heavy weapon. He had dimmed the flames slightly, so I could see the carvings and the notches cut form many years of battle that marked the steel. I still couldn't believe that I owned him. Ugh that sounded weird. Hey, I still had to learn all the terminology and by this point I had an entire book to work my way through. And by book, I mean the biggest book that had ever been put to print and I once found a bible that weighed more than I did (I was twelve at the time, but you get my point).

I sighed gruffly and kept studying the markings and sigils carved into the metal. Before we left York, Sheira had grabbed me a book of sigils from an elemental book store and I was using that to cross reference the foreign scribbles that decorated the hilt and blade of my sword.

So far, I had found loyalty (A cross with a circle in the middle of it), guidance (An eye), sure-strike (a sword piercing a star), bonding (three interconnected circles) and a thousand others that were either too old, to rare or had been long forgotten by all but Incaendium.

I ran my fingers up the hilt and examined the pommel of the hilt. I couldn't work out what shape it was supposed to be carved into, it was just a blob of misshapen metal with a strange sigil that I could not find for the life of me in the book that Sheira had given me. I sighed.

Flame was also peering over my shoulder at the sigils. I didn't know how a lion that had only had powers for a few weeks longer than I had but his sharp eyes picked up on a few things that I had missed and was now on consulting duty as he seemed to have a bit more knowledge than I did. And when I say a bit, I mean by the smallest, most minute amount you could conjure up.

Defeated and with my head spinning from trying to interpret the meaningless squiggles I flipped the book shut. May as well try to get answers straight from the horse's mouth.

"Hey Incaendium?"


"What do these sigils mean?" I tapped on the markings carved into the side of the sword that I was ninety nine percent sure was called the fuller.

Ah, these ones?

He made the six markings glow a little brighter. I nodded, "yeah, I can't find them in the book."

Incaendium chuckled. They're not sigils

Flame cocked his head. "What are they then?"

They're my old masters.

I traced the top sigil with the tip of my finger. "How are these your old masters?" I asked.

"Ditto," growled Flame.

Each sigil represents my old master by showing their strongest trait. Observe. He made each sigil flare brightly as he explained each sigil. The top one in determination. That's me as I was the original owner. The second one is bravery, third is loyalty, fourth is resilience, fifth is resourcefulness and the sixth is whoever you decide to be.

I traced the lowest sigil. Uncarved and undetailed, waiting for me to leave my mark. "What will it be for me?" I asked.

Incaendium would have shrugged if he had arms. I have no idea. Only time will tell. The pommel will also take the form of your beast as I know that you were wondering that as well.

A lion headed sword? I could deal with that. I smirked as my life seemed to be turning into Game of Thrones, just minus a few more... explicit details. "I just hope I can learn to fight properly," I muttered. Images of losing a hand sprung to mind so I shuddered nervously.

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