Heartache and Pain

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Note: So you're a serpent by blood. Meaning your father FP Jones is a serpent which makes you and your brother Jughead one as well. You've been apart of the gang for awhile, and your brother was actually the opposite.

3rd person POV:
You actually became a serpent at the age of 13. You are now 16. But your father Fp didn't want you to get your tattoo just yet. So you didn't really 'fully' become a serpent just yet, which only gave you the problem of being a serpent by blood. Leaving you with no serpent jacket just yet.

Jughead didn't want to become a serpent or become apart of this life. So he decided it was best to leave to go live on the Northside and go to Riverdale. You stayed of course to watch out for you father and take care of him, but that went badly when he was put away for assisting in Jason Blossoms murder.


By now you were all by yourself in a lonesome trailer. Waiting to here back if anything happens. Last time you saw Your dad was when sheriff Keller came in your trailer when you and Fp were playing a friendly game of poker. It was more of him breaking his way into the trailer and throwing Fp against the wall.

"Y/n don't worry." He told me. Tears started forming  as one dropped one by one then a full stream came down. "What are you doing!? Dad what's Happening! Why are you doing this!" I yelled so lost and confused. "Fp Jones you're under arrest for being an accessory in a murder." Sheriff Keller had just said. "Y/n I'll be fine it's ok." Fp says tears forming in his eyes. You watching him leave In the back of a police car.

You felt like a mess. You felt like it was your fault. You promised your mom that Jughead and yourself would watch out for you dad, and yet here he is going to jail for something you should've made sure he shouldn't have gotten himself into. This was all you thought.

Your thoughts went to your brother. Jughead. In your mind you thought. Maybe he'll come back to help you. So you grabbed your phone tears still falling. A few sobs escaping your lips. Scrolling through names you click on his "Juggie👑"

Jug: Hello? Y/N??

You: Juggie *Sniffles*

Jug: Y/N what's wrong are you okay? Where's dad?

You: Sheriff KELLER. H-He a-a-arrested him for for helping i-I-in A murder. Juggie I'm scared.

Jug: Ok calm down y/n it's okay.

You: are you coming home? Please Juggie?

Jug: Alright I'll be there. I promise. I'll be there in about 15 mins.

You: Oh okay. Bye Juggie.

Jug: Y/n.

You: yes?

Jug: I love you sis.

You: *Smiles* Love you too bro.

End Of Convo.

You felt relieved that Jughead was coming home. You felt like it was also your duty to tell the Serpents mainly your Boyfriend Sweet Pea. He knew you and your dad Fp were really close and thought it was his job to protect you from anything. But you didn't you wanted to just sit on the couch in the living room crying. It was the only thing you wanted to do at this moment.

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