Protector pt. 2

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A/N: SOOOOO like the bottom half of Protector got deleted sadly :( so now I am going to continue it right here. :) 

Continuation of Protector...


Y/n's pov:

"The Coopers are one of the most respected families in Riverdale. You two are nothing but centirville scumbags." Jughead had said bringing his pocketknife out. "Do you think the two of you can take on all of us?" Betty said with a smirk on her face. "Try it." she mocked Darla making me snicker. Everyone looked at me. "what?" I say laughing now. They try to ignore me so they can stay focused. 

"So we think you should just take your money and run. While you still can." I say to them. The two crazy people get up from where they were and grabbed there money. The Serpents guided them out the front door. My mom, Betty and I all let out a huge sigh of relief as they exited. Sweet Pea and Jughead stayed inside the house. I gave my mom a huge hug to let her know that it was over. Betty coming in for a hug too.

We let go and the first thing she does is start cleaning. Jughead walked outside, Sweet Pea following and I as well. "Fangs you and Randy lead." Jug says. "Take them out all the way make sure they don't come back." He finishes. Fangs nods in response. "Thank you guys. I'm really grateful for all of you." I say to them. "Y/n you're literally one of the only northsiders that accepted us making us feel welcome at school. Thank you." Randy said. I gave them a ll a smile.

"You're family y./n" Fangs says. I give him a hug. "Thanks Fangs" I let go so that they can take the two out. They start up their bikes and head off. I sigh in relief. Turning around to a messy Sweet Pea. Jughead had already headed inside to Betty. "Baby I-" He tried to say, but I cut him off by jumpiing into his arms and kissing him. "I love you Sweets Thank you thank you." I say as we pull apart. 

"I'll always love you babygirl." He tells me as he puts me down. I think now is a great time to tell my mom. Well not really but it is now or never right? "So... I was thinking are you up to finally offically meet the women?" I ask him. He gives me a nervous look, but agrees. "Now or never right? Amd just know baby I am and always will be here for you no matter what happens." He says as I smile widely as I give him a kiss on the cheek.

We walk inside the house hand in hand. "Sorry about your door Mrs.Cooper" Jughead says to my mom. She picks up a couple of beer bottles around, and looks up to say something "Thank you Jughead than-. Y/full/n" Jug and Betty turned around to see Sweet Pea and I holding hands. 

"Mom. I know you said no, but I am sorry. I coouldn't help myself. As cheesy as it sounds This snake took my heart." I say smiling at Sweet Pea. He looked down at me and kissed the top of my forehead. "So mom. I want you to officially meet my boyfriend. Sweet Pea." I say to her as we walked towards her. 

She was in shock at first. She didn't know what to say she was flustered at this moment. I walked in with confidence but now I just didn't know what would happen if she didn't accept it. Sweets saw and squeezed  my hand in reassurance. I gladly returned the favor. 

"Y/n. I wasn't fair into telling you who to date. I'm sorry honey. To you too Betty. I just want you guys to be safe. I don't want to be worrying at night that you snuck out and never come back." she says tears forming in her eyes. "Sweet Pea I am truly sorry for what I did to you, and your family, I want you guys to know I am done taking shots at the Serpents in the Register. I think it's time to go back to the way things were." She says and gives a little smile.

"Thank you Mrs.C" Sweet Pea says as he holds his hand out to shake. She moves it aside for a hug instead. I smile softly and turn around to see Betty and JUghead smiling. "Finally told her" Jug nsays smiling. I nod in response.

"Mom I'll be back I'm going with Sweet Pea." I say. "Watch out for her please" My mom says as she looks at Pea. "I'll always protect her." he says and grabs my hand as we walk out. We get to his bike. He places me on the back as he gets on. "Pea wait." I say he stops and turns around. "What's wrong?" he asks. "Oh nothing." I say and kiss him sofftly before we took off. He gives me a smirk and I just giggle. 

I wrapped my arms around his waist as we took off. We went to Sweet Water River and just had the most beautiful date ever. I fell asleep on his warm chest as we gazed at the stars. I knew I would be safe with my snake protector with me. 

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