Chapter 4

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"But Jungkook... you are my future... you are the only future i want for me,"


She is the future i want for me too.
But maybe, not anymore...

Jungkook thought to himself. The sky is getting dark, maybe because its getting late or its going to start raining, he doesnt care.

He just left the love of his life crying. His heart ached to comfort her, touch her, hug her, telling her everything will be alright. But he knows this is for the best. He is too busy for a relationship right now, and his career and music will always come first.

He needs this for the sake of chasing his long time dream, for the sake of his family back home.More importantly, he now have another family to think about; his 6 other members . His hyungs who work and train night and day for years with him to achieve their dream together. Sure, the company didnt have any dating ban, but they had made a casual pact between themselves that nothing will come first before their band and career.He cant let his selfish needs of being in love gets in the way.

He really hopes that one day you will understand...

The days and weeks that leads after that night pass by like a blur. Jungkook works hard to prepare for his upcoming first tour. He feels he needs to do the best he can to make up for what he did to you. He needs it to convince himself that its all worth it.

But he misses you a lot. Sure, he's not lonely . He has 6 other hyungs constantly bothering him, there is no room to feel lonely. But its a different feeling. He misses the way you will laugh at his stupid jokes that no one understands, the way you add fuel to his competitiveness by always mocking him when he loses, the way both of you use to spend hours trying to write music but end up with silly lyrics and laughing all day long, and most of all, your weird cravings for McDonald's at 3 am.

He still keeps the polaroid of you inside his phone cover. In the photo,  you have two pieces of McDonald's fries in your mouth and try to make it looks like a vampire fangs, but looks more like a very cute seal instead. Every night before he sleeps, he will looks at it and hope that you will always be as happy as you are in the photo.

He oftens thinks to himself, "Do you still go to McDonalds' at 3 am? Did you find somebody else who enjoys doing that with you?"

Every night before he drifts off to sleep, he swears to himself that he wont ever be able to love another like he loves you. And he hopes that the better days will come where he doesnt have to choose between you and his career.


The time has come. Its only a few days before the start of their mini tour and the company announced a big news.

"You will be touring together with a girl band from XX Company, 2Hearts. They also debuted around the same time as BTS and both of the companies has discussed and decided that its a great idea and strategy for both of your group to prmote together,"

"Waaahhh, so we will be with a girl group for half a year?" Taehyung is the first to respond. Happy and full of excitement.  "Niceee, maybe all of us can be close friends.. or more," he says while shrugging his eyebrows.

"Calm down Tae, nobody would want to get close to your weird ass anyway," Yoongi responded, earning a glare from Taehyung and laughter from the others.

"So when will we meet them?" Namjoon asks, ever the practical leader.

"Later this evening. They will come to the company so that all of you can get acquainted,"

3AM Drive Thru (JJK x You x The8/Minghao)Where stories live. Discover now