Chapter 11

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"I want you back Y/N," he walked closer and took both of her hands in his. "I know I dont deserve to say that to you. But I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry. Please give me just one more chance. I promise I will spend the rest of my life showing you how you should be love and treated. I will do anything you ask me to. Just please give me a chance to try,"

"Song Y/N, in case you still dont know, I love you,"


"All my life, all I know is how to love him. I never thought I would know how to do anything else. Until I met you Minghao. I think I'm finally ready to learn something new..."

Y/N covered her face with her pillow and screamed. Hoping the pillow would help to muffle the sound.

She cant believe she said that to Minghao. Great, he's probably freaked out now! Right after she said that, Minghao just give her a tight hug, asks her to go get some rest and went off, saying he needs to see someone.

The first thought that comes to Y/N's head is maybe he already has a girlfriend that he didnt tell her about. Maybe he really just thinks of her as only a best friend. Maybe now he doesn't want to be close to her anymore.

Just the thought of not having Minghao as close to her as before brought tears to her eyes. She doesnt care if he doesn't feel the same way, if the thoughts of liking her just a little more than friends had never even cross his mind, all she wants now is to turn back time and wish she didn't open her stupid mouth.

After hours of rolling around, trying to fall asleep, Y/N knows its no use. She wiped her tears that never stop flowing, bundled herself up in a oversized fuzzy sweater and heads out. Maybe the night air can help ease her mind enough for her to feel sleepy.

The moment she stepped on the sidewalk, Minghao is standing right in front of her, smiling, holding brown paperbags filled with fries and chicken nuggets.

His smile dissappeared the moment he saw how red and puffy her eyes are, indicating that she's been crying. The bags are immediately dropped to the ground as he rush over to her before she can turn away.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry for making you cry," Minghao hugged Y/N tightly from the back and turned her to face him. "Please dont cry because of me. Someone like me is not worth to be cried over someone like you,"

Y/N starts to sob even louder. What is he saying? He is the most important person in her life. To her, he's worth more that life itself.

"I'm sorry for saying what I said. Please just forget it ever happen. Please dont leave me Minghao. Can we please just go back to how we use to be and forget everything that I said? As long as you are still in my life, I dont care if you dont feel the same way," Y/N cried. She doesn't care about her not so friendly feelings being out in the open anymore.

Minghao pulls her close to his chest and smile into her hair when he realize what she's crying about. Aish, stupid girl. Did she really thinks he left because of her confession?

The truth it, the moment Y/N said what she said, Minghao felt his heart is going to burst and his jaw breaking for wanting to smile so widely. But he knows before he can say anything, he needs to see his friend and hears his side of the story. So he instead asks Y/N to sleep since its already late and went to meet Jungkook.

He loves Y/N too much to take advantage of her vulnerable state. He wants Y/N to be with him because she really wants to, not because she's too used to being around him that she thinks she's in love with him.He wants her to really think about her feelings.

3AM Drive Thru (JJK x You x The8/Minghao)Where stories live. Discover now