Chapter 7

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(Featuring the '97 liner male idol squad later in the story)

"Seriously, who's the girl who got you so whipped?" Yugyeom asks while downing his drink.

"Yah man, tell us!" Bambam slapped his back.

"Wow, Minghao has a girl?" Jungkook raised his brows.

"Yeah, you are not the only one with a girl now Kook. Our brother here is so whipped like a whipped cream!" Mingyu chimed in and DK laughs.

"Seriously who is your girlfriend man? You cant hide it from us. We are your squad!" Jaehyun finally says.

"Urghhh you guys are so nosy! Fine. This is her. But she is NOT my girlfriend!," Minghao took out his phone, scrolling through

"Yeah but you wish she is," Mingyu snickered.

"This is her, the most beautiful, the most perfect girl in the world," Minghao shoved them his phone. "Song Y/N,"

He announced and Jungkook definitely choked on the drink that he was swallowing.


"I'm coming! Stop ringing the damn doorbell!" Y/N screamed at whoever is outside her door. She put down her popcorn and jogged towards the door.

Seriously, when I finally have some time for myself! And there's only one person who would ring a doorbell like that, which is...

"Minghao?" Y/N was suprised to see his wide smiling face once she opened the door. "Minghao!" Y/N exclaimed once she got over her initial shocked and jump into his embraced for a tight hug.

"Omg, you are back! You are finally back!"

"Yes, yes I'm back. Now can you let go of me and let me in? I came here straight from the airport you know," Y/N moved aside and gestured him to come in, grinning widely.

"I'm sorry. I didnt expect you to be back today. I really miss you so much! And I'm not even going to pretend that I dont," she said while plopping down beside him on the couch.

It has been almost six months since Minghao went off for his first mini tour. Despite calling and texting every day, Y/N still misses him a lot. Afterall, she is so used to spend almost 24/7 with him after the "Jungkook incident" or that's what she would like to call it.

"Ahh, that's nice to hear. Such a warm welcome after a tiring journey. Why cant you act like this everyday?" Minghao chuckled.

"Yah. You should be grateful that I admit I missed you. I should be mad at you for leaving me for so long!" Y/N smacked him with a pillow. "So how was the tour?"

"Y/N, we talked almost every day. You know all about the tour," he said.

"Not everything. We only talk about an hour a day. How can you tell me everything within an hour?"

"Fine. I will tell you all about it later okay. We have all the time in the world. We are on a break for a couple of months,"

"Really?! Then there's a lot you can and have to do with me!" Y/N exclaimed, excited.

Minghao raised his eyebrows. "Have you been planning on ways to torture me even before i got home?"

Y/N laughs. "Of course not. There's just so many things that I miss doing with you! But I just remembered. There's this one most important thing that you HAVE to promise to do,"

"Does it involve killing or kidnapping any living things?"

"No. At least I dont think so," Y/N pretends to think about it. Minghao gave her the "are you serious" look. Y/N laughs. "Okay seriously. You already know that I have decided to start working at the company right?"

3AM Drive Thru (JJK x You x The8/Minghao)Where stories live. Discover now