Moving, Again.

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~Lances POV~

My family is a very big one, and when I say big I mean BIG. I'm Lance, I have eight brothers, and eight sisters. I'm in the middle. My mother and father had a divorce when I was young. So me being me I get passed from parent to parent. I never stay in one place.

I hate my father. He's a drunkie and doesn't care for my health. That's why I want to stay with my mother. But unfortunately, I normally live with my father. This year I get to vist my mom, I do online school so I don't have a problem with school. Im packing for the trip, my mother lives in Texas. I've never been to Texas the last time I was with my mother was five years ago, I do call and Skype her though.

I can't wait to get out of this hell hole. Even though my father wouldn't care, he claims he love all of his children. But we all know that's a lie.

"LANCE, BEECK! IT'S TIME TO GO!" I hear my father calling me, guh I hate when he yells. Beeck is my sister, on the young side. "Where coming!" I yelled back. "DON'T YELL AT ME YOUNG MAN!" he said being such a hypocrite.

Beeck and I made our way down to the living room to see dad smoking a cigarette, again, for the 20th time today. I hope he dies from it. We put our stuff in the car and then get in.

*Time Skip Brought to you by Coran's Mustache*

We arrive at the airport and got out, when Beeck and I got out and grabbed our things our father drove off leaving us to get on the plane by ourselves. "UGH." I said picking my bags up and then sighing. "Come on," I said to my sister helping her pick up her bags.

We soon board our plane and sit in there seats. First class, because of our mom. 'Thanks mum'

*Time Skip Brought To You By Me Being lazy*

We got off of the plane, and when we did I saw my mom standing there waiting for our arrival. Like always I gave her a huge hug and soon Beeck did to. We stood there for a good minute before letting go. "I'm so glad that your here!" Momma Mclain says "We are glad to be here." I say with Beeck agreeing. "Come your brothers and sisters are waiting!"

I love most of my siblings, by most I mean the ones who aren't aholes. Like my older brother Margo. He's the best, he once bought me a skateboard for my 7th birthday and when I feel he would always help me up. I wished him the best of luck when he went off to the army. Sadly he never came back. I didn't even get to say goodbye.

Not realizing of how deep in thought I was we were already at the car putting our stuff in. I sit in the front while Beeck heads to the back. I'm excited to see what will happen in the future, Knowing that I won't have to deal with my dads crap for a while.

We arrive at the neighborhood driving and pulling up to a big brown house at the end of the road. I step out of the car, amazed at how big the house was. I've lived with my father for so long in that tiny house, this felt like paradise.

*Okay so, this IS my first story and i need your opinions on it. I will be continuing it so stick around for more.

I will be making different fanfics in the future but i'd like too see how much people like it. i will be posting as soon as i can and ill try not to rush. 

i give thanks too my wonderful GF/editor for helping me. love ya bye* (587 words){not my art}

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