Chapter Four:The Gorgeous Man

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~Lances POV~

After the accident with that keith boy, i went to my locker. After grabbing my stuff, i head back to the class. When i walk in the classroom i see the keith boy sitting down in the middle of the room. talking with a tall dark skinned boy with black hair(Hunk). I was nervous, i don't know why, i just was.

Mister Coran spotted me and walked up to me. "Ah Lance your back, sit here." he pointed to a desk near the front of the room. "Okay." i sat down. "It's okay if you don't understand anything, you'll get the hang of it." i nodded. Soon more kids came in the room and sat down.

Mister Coran started the lesion. I didn't understand at first, but i soon caught on. He handed out a worksheet to everyone and told me to do my best. It was fairly easy, though i did struggle a little. For a moment, i glanced over at Keith he was working swiftly through the work. The man sitting next to him looked to be struggling. I felt bad for the big guy. Until Keith helped him. What a nice guy.

It was about ten minutes in, when mister Coran asked us to hand him the worksheet. Though i wasn't finished, he still gave me full credit. For being new and all that.

~Keith's POV~

I see that i have that Coran boy in my first class. "Hey Hunk?" i said. "Ya?" he said handing the paper to mister Coran. "Do you know anything about the new kid?" i said pointing to Lance. "Oh, him? I don't know man. I mean it's only his first day. I haven't heard about any gossip or rumors yet. Must not be very social." he said opening his binder. "Well i don't know about that part."

"What do you mean?" hunk asks in confusion. "I ran into him in the hallway, by his personality, and the way he treated me in the hall, he seemed pretty social." Hunk sat and thought before saying, "Ya know, he kinda reminds me of the McLain family"

"Ya he does-" "alright students!" Mister Coran said cutting off me and Hunks conversation. " Today's agenda, we will not have any homework." Oh thank god. "But we do have a new student. Everyone welcome Lance!" the class says hi and we continues with our lesion.

~Bell noise~

~Lances POV~

'Oh, class is already over?'okay. I guess i'll have to go to my next class?

*Time skip, just because.*

Okay math, science, and Health Studies . now lunch, okay cool i guess i am kinda hungry.

~Keith's POV~

Finally lunch. And as usual Pidge Hunk and Shiro are already sitting down. I walk over to them. "Hey guys." "hey," they all say. As soon as i sit down, i see that Cuban boy, Lance. He looks confused. I'm guessing he hasn't found his lunch group yet. "Keith...., Keith, KEITH!" "Huh?" " dude are you okay?" Pidge asked. "What do you mean?"

"We've been calling your name for like five minutes!" Hunk answered "You have? I guess i'm just lost in thought." "ya you keep staring off into space, man." Hunk said as i turned to look at them. "What did you need?"

"We were wondering if we can practice at your house today?" "Oh Ya,we can."

"Hey, do any of you know anything about that Cuban boy? I think his name was Lance?" "Lance huh, well i don't know. It is his first day." shiro said. "I have him for Health and me and shiro have him for Science." Pidge said with a mouth full of food.

'Humm' "Hey Lance!" i said waving in the direction of him. He turned and saw me. His eyes are so pretty, and blue. Like the ocean. "Come Here!" i said patting a seat next to me.

Oh god he's coming over. I'm not prepared. He sat down. "Hi.." he said shyly. "Hey Lance. These are my friends Pidge Hunk and Shiro." i said pointing to each of them as i say there names.

"Yo!" Pidge said. "Greetings" Shiro said "Sup" Hunk said.

"So Lance, tell us more about yourself!" Shiro said.

"Well, i'm Cuban and i know a few different languages." "called it," i whispered to Hunk. "And well my sisters go to this school." "Oh who are you sisters. We might know them?" "Well there twins, and their names are Clare and Sarah." "Oh you mean the Disaster twins!" Pidge Blurted out. "So you are a McLain kid!" I said.

"I guess?" he said in confusion. " Geez how many kids does that woman have?" Pidge asked and then got a swift kick from Shiro."Ow!" she said rubbing her leg. "Okay continue." Shiro said before giving Pidge a death glare.

"Okay, my favorite color is blue and i love riding horses,singing and playing violin."

"Oh you can play the violin?" "Yes i can. I'm decent." he said.

With that, the bell rang and everyone was heading to their next class.

*i guess this is the chapter, i have many ideas and i promise that i will make longer chapters but for now this is what I've got.

i give thanks to my editor/GF Snowymusic19

Art NOT mine


also comment if i should continue, bye*

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