Musical Day

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~Lances POV~

I hear multiple noises, sounds of practicing. I don't know why but i feel attracted toward the sounds. I find myself walking to them, and the noise getting loader.

I soon turn the corner only to see a house with the garage doors open and Keith with a guitar, Hunk on the piano, Shiro and Pidge at the drums bells and crash symbols, Matt setting up a microphone and bass guitar.

So this is what the twins were talking about. There band.

I soon feel myself walking toward them now that there in sight.

"H-hey!" i called out to them

Keith looks up to see me waving at him. He waves back.

"Yo, Lance my man!" he says.

"You wish." Matt said, then for the tenth time today, Keith kicks Matt in the leg.

Though i did hear the comment Matt made i still stood my ground walking up to the group.

"Wow so you actually have a band?" i asked.

"Ya, did you think i was joking?" Keith asked jokingly.

"Pfft No!" yes.....

"Are you two love birds done talking, i need your help Keith." Matt said.

After that, guess what, Matt got Another kick from Keith.

"What do you need?" Keith asked Matt walking over to him, so i decided to look around the place.

"Hey Lance." I turn to see Shiro waving toward me, so i walk over to him.

"Hello Shiro, nice drums, What kind?" I asked, i'm a bit of a fanatic when it comes to music.

"I'm not sure, Keith got them a long time ago."

"Cool." I start to look around more when everyone starts to sit in their spots.

"You gonna stay to watch us practice?" Hunk asked.

"Sure." I leaned on the wall waiting for them to start.

Pidge soon starts to beat her drum sticks together 3 times before they start to play.

Hunk starts off with suttle piano, I recognize this song. Keith starts to sing.

This song it's..... You Will Be Found? From Dear Evan Hansen? Awesome.

Keith voice is so good in this. Then Pidge starts to sing and Matt joins in, they were so good.

And before I knew it the song was over.

I started clap. "Amazing!" I said.

"Thanks man!" Keith said beaming.

He looked so cute when he did that giving me a soft smile.

Oml please don't blush. Damn it, he's cute.

"Hey Lance, didn't your sisters say that you can play the Violin?" Pidge asked

"Humm? Oh yeah, I can, i'm not that good at it though." But you are good at it! Why do you always gotta let yourself down like that.

"Don't say that! I'm sure your great!" Keith said putting his hand on my shoulder.

"Heh, sure......" the room goes silent....

"WELLLLL, we should get back to practicing!" Keith said nervously, shuffling toward his guitar.

"Hehe, yeah you guys should get to that, I should be heading home anyways!" I replied slowly walking out of the garage.

"Aww Keith it's too bad your boyfriend can't stick arou- OUCH!" Matt said getting another kick from Keith.

I feel my cheeks turning a bright pink as i rush off around the corner.

"Okay Bye Now!" I yell just turning the corner.

Oh geez I think to myself What have i gotten myself into? 

~Aaaaand thats that. i hope you are all enjoying my content so far. there will be more later so stay tuned!~  (Ps. sorry for not updating sooner)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2018 ⏰

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