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Don’t you see? You and he might never cross paths again. Of course, a chance meeting could occur, and I hope it happens. I really do, for your sake. But realistically speaking, you have to see there’s a huge possibility you’ll never be able to meet him again. And even if you do meet, he might already be married to somebody else. He might have two kids. Isn’t that so? And in that case, you may have to live the rest of your life alone, never being joined with the one person you love in all the world. Don’t you find that scary?

Haruki Marukami


I'm late! On my second day of work! Stopping for coffee was a horrible mistake, God forgive me. But now I'm running. And it's pouring rain. My squeaky rain boots are hitting the pavement. Part of me said to slow down, but I am so close to the building! Just...a couple...more...blocks! If I'm late, then he's late. If he's late, then I lose my job! And it pays so well!

Ah! I can just barely see it!

Bam! I crash into something hard, and fall backwards. I can barely see. The rain was already clouding my glasses, but now I was dizzy. I look across from me, only to realize that there is another person in front of me clutching their head. It finally hit me that it was a he. A he in a nice looking suit, at that. Well, at least at one point it was nice looking. Now, it had a large brown coffee stain across it.

He had this messy hair, that was dark and nearly black, not to mention this serious expression. Oh no. He must be upset. He struggled to get up, and then extended his hand and helped me up.

"Oh my God. Are you okay? I'm so sorry," I said, as I brushed off my yellow rain coat.

He looked at me for a second. "Yes. Thank you for asking," he said, as he looked around. "Oh. I must've been absolved in my thoughts. It appears as though I've walked past my office."

He turned around in the direction I had been walking, and I went to catch up with him. "Please. Let me make this up to you," I said.

"That is not necessary," He responded.

"I feel so guilty. Just let me buy you a new shirt," I explained. He nearly laughed.

"Oh. That is certainly not necessary," he said, seriously now. He quickly took out his phone and sent a quick message.

"I'm sorry to bother you, sir, but I'll really do anything. I feel very guilty."

"You can stop talking. I have a headache with a vengeance," he responded harshly. I immediately stopped talking, and decided to just rush a head. I clearly can't do anythi-

And I slipped. Again. This time, I fell forward, and I was now the one clutching my head. I heard a deep sigh, and saw the young man come around to me, and extend his hand. He helped me up, and looked at me seriously.

"Are you doing this on purpose?" he asked, angrily.

I brushed off my bright yellow rain coat again. "What?"

"Are. You. Doing. This. Intentionally?" He nearly yelled.

I looked at him, and took off my glasses. "No. I am not in the business of being late to work, and exasperating it by falling onto concrete. Twice. Why in the world would I be doing this purposefully?" I asked, frustrated. You don't accept my offer to help you, then you accuse me of trying to trick you or something? Oh, the nerve!

"Do you not know who I am?" he asked, now confused.

"No? Should I?"

"Not really," he said continuing off in his direction. I cut my right turn towards the building I worked at, only to notice he turned as well.

Cityscapes (Jumin Han x OC)Where stories live. Discover now