Me and Derek sat around the house for awhile just messing around untill we heard someone wip into the driveway and then a car door slam we both knew it had to be Austin. a few second later he cam marching in
"Jocelyn are you all right"
"yes Austin just calm down i am fine!"
"are you sure i mean your not dieing or anything this stupid isnt being mean to you or anything
Derek stood up then "AUSTIN THATS ENOUGH!"
"im just making sure my favorit person is all right
"she is perfectly fine still standing and everything there is and isnt going to be anything wrong with her she is going to have her surgury and be perfectly fine like this news never came up at all!"
"Derek just chill i know you dont want your brother talking about it around me but im fine!"
"Jocelyn he dosnt need to play 20 questions with you"
"its fine drop it both of you!!!"
"fine" replyed Austin and we stood there a second
"good now lets sit down and have a good time but we both still need to get ready to go Derek"
"yes Jocelyn i know just stop worring about everything all the time."
"my job is to worry about you thats why im moving in with you remember"
"i dont remember that converstion
"wait just one second" blurted out Austin "shes moving in with you now how many more things are you all going to tell me about today and dose mom and dad know?"
"no they dont know yet because Jocelyns parents are still on edge with it so we arent going tp talk about it understood?"
"yes Derek"
"good no whats new with Austin?"
"nothing much"
we all sat arounf talking and then it as 6 i stood up and made Derek get up woth me Austin was just going to hang out in the living room for awhile and then he was going to leave at the same time we did. i had all ready had our clothes layed out earlyer but when Derek grabbed him he turned to go to the bathroom
"why are you going to the bathroom to change?"
"i didnt want you to get uncomfortable."
"yes really i still havnt seen you nacked yet i mean i just thought we were taking that part slow"
"oh well we can but i was really looking forward to seeing you in your bowers i mean i've seen you in thoses before."
"yes you have but i need to chnge my boxer just like i can see you are going to change your bra and underwear."
"yeah i do but its not going to bother me if we change in the same room i mean we are going to be living with each other."
"yes we are"
"so lets do it it has to happen sometime right?"
"yes it dose"
so thats what we did Derek started first and i just decided to go over and help him i pulled his shirt off for him making sure to touchhis abs becaus ethat is one thing he like and then i began to unbotton his jeans for him but he pulled my hands away.
"women if you do that we may never leave this house tonigh"
"oh fine you do it"
"i will"
Life As We Know It
Teen FictionFormerly called My Bad Romance! In this story you will see the wild adventurers that Jocelyn Wilford faces.Please join her through falling in love and dealing with some heart break news that possible bring her dead. Along the way she will experience...