The car ride to Dereks apartment was nice we talked about what we would like to see form our relationship in the future. he held my hand all the time now and i Didnt' think things could get any better.
When we got to the apartment we both walked in togther and then he went off to the bedroom for a second and i just thought he was getting something till i heard some banging around thats when i walked in.
"babe what are you doing?"
"well beings we are back togther and your planing on staying here for awhile and then coming back over alot i thought it would be the right thing to give you your own drawer for your things."
"Derek thats so sweet but you didn't have to do that i could have just kept my things in a bag."
"no i like it better this way cause you can now never have an excuse now to come over an dstay with me cause you'll always have your clothes here"
"well that was a nice way of thinking thank you"
"your welcome now lets get some of this stuff put away so you can make me feel good"
"all right lets get it put away"
we started get everything sittuated i the drawer and we just messed around he played with everything he pulle out 'Not shocking!' when we were done he pulled me over to the bed to just relax and talk
"so Jocelyn theres been something on my mind all day and i just didnt want to ask you in fornt of my parents"
"ok what is it because by the look on your face it must be important!"
"well i just wanted to know what you think your parents would think about us i mean i know my parents are ok about it oviously but"
"i know you want ot make shore its ok with them"
"excatly now lets do something fun its our first night back together"
"ok what did you have in mined"
"well what i want you won't go for"
"yes think a new thought"
"ok so why dont we just go lay on the couch together and watch TV or something"
"ok that sounds alot better"
" ok lets go"
we walked out to the living room and sat down i put my head doown on his lap and got all curled up. Derk looked through the chanels to see whyat was on and we finally decided on jackass. we layed there for i dont know how long just laughin g and watching it until
"Jocelyn wake up and we can go to the bed and go to sleep"
"no im not tired now"
i reached up and pulled his facedown to mine and started kissing himand we layed there and just kissed it felt nice to be able to just do this again i loved Derek i loved being with Derek just being Derek and Jocelyn!
"jocelyn we need to go to bed we both need to go to work tomarrow"
"but i dont want to stop"
"how about we both get off early tomarrow we can coutinue this then"
"i can't i have to go to my parents house tomarrow after work"
"good i'll go with you"
"well then you just come with me"
"i will"
"OK lets go to bed now!"
we went offw to bed and i hope all sweet dreams come for us:)
srry it was so short hop[e you guys like it:)
Life As We Know It
Dla nastolatkówFormerly called My Bad Romance! In this story you will see the wild adventurers that Jocelyn Wilford faces.Please join her through falling in love and dealing with some heart break news that possible bring her dead. Along the way she will experience...