Chapter Six

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In the lab, Howard Stark worked, impressed by the machines that were around him, asking what it was and how it worked. He felt like a child again, learning new things. All these advancements in technology blew his mind, and the more he saw, the more he wanted to know. However, the more the mechanics and scientists tried to fix their suits, the more he realized he didn't have the technology for them. It was back for the basics of Iron Man, who refused to give more into his name. Howard thought that was rather pretentious of Iron Man.

On the other side of the lab stood Tony Stark, who watched his father like a hawk, eyes narrow and ears listening. Howard Stark strode around the room, going between the old and new, joking with other members of the Avengers. Howard looked away, and Tony brought his eyes up again to watch him. This was a man he had never seen before; where was this man in Tony's childhood, the one who could take and make a joke? What happened to make him so tough?

When Howard looked Tony's direction, Iron Man looked away. Howard wasn't completely oblivious. While he didn't know what Iron Man wanted, Howard Stark was able to conclude that he was a legend in the future and Iron Man was a major fan. The elder Stark smiled at the thought. Iron Man returned to working on his suit, and Howard walked over and clapped him on the shoulder.

"Do you want my signature?" Howard asked. "Maybe a photo? I'll get it developed for you." He leaned against the working table with a charming smile and arms crossed his chest.

The whole time, Tony stared at him, so close, so life-like; he smelt like scotch, the kind kept on the top shelf and, eventually, locked away when Tony was old enough and started to raiding the liquor cabinets. Howard Stark was young, or at least he had less wrinkles and his hair wasn't gray.

"What is this thing powered on, anyway?" Howard turned his back to Iron Man and looked at the suit. "Please tell me it's not magic like the god."

"No." Tony stood up and walked around his suit as if to show it off.

"How did you decide to built this suit? Are these things flying around the world in the future?"

"For the latter questions, I am the only one-- well," Rhodey, "no, I'm the only one. The reason why I built this suit..." Tony's eyes came up to his father, who had excitement in his eyes like a child on Christmas, "well, that's a long story."

"I'm sure." Howard studied the suit in more detail, hovering over the shoulder of Iron Man, whoever the mystery man was. "I certainly don't have that technology now, but some point in my life, huh?" He bumped Iron Man on the shoulder.

A young gentleman stood in the doorway, dressed in black with several guns attached to his body. He wore a flowing black duster and black gloves. A natural scowl rested on his face. "Mr. Stark," he called.

Howard pulled himself away from the Iron Man suit, and goodness, it was hard. His dark eyes rested on the suit as long as possible, even as the young agent spoke. Arching an eyebrow, Howard nodded and then walked to the center of the room. "You're in good luck. We have enough rooms and food to share," he chuckled. "Follow Agent Fury here." The elder Stark led Agent Fury out of the room, and all eyes watched as "Agent Fury" left. If Howard and Maria Stark weren't enough people, maybe Agent Fury being added to the mix was too much.

Tony Stark remained seated.

Peter walked past and then paused. "Mr. Stark, you coming?"

"I think I'll stay and work."

Peter pursed his lips. "Yeah, yeah-- I'll stay too." He sat down at the table with Tony Stark watching carefully.

After a second, Tony sighed and went back to work, using the old tools to try and fix the damn thing. His eyes came up to Peter again when a rumbling stomach echoed inside the small room that only held their breathing and the buzzing of the lights.

The Woman in the Red Dress (Howard and Maria Stark One-Shot-- AU)Where stories live. Discover now