Taking you home~

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Mangle's POV

After all that singing at the cafeteria made me better.

I think...I really moved on!



Class is finally over.

"Alright, Class dissmissed."Madam Danielle said and walked out of the room.

Me and TC ran to the gym for cheerleading practice.

When we reached to the gym the girls arrived just in time.

"Hey Girls!Luckily, you got in the squad!Congratulations!"I smiled.

"YEAHHH!!!"They cheered.

"But, The boys got a game next Friday so we got 7 more days left to practice.So, Let's do our first stepping."I smiled and they stood up from the ground.

Foxy's POV

Me and the guys ran to the gym for practice.

"Oh gosh!I *pant* need *pant* to *pant* chill out *pant* for a second!"Bonnie panted.

"Haha!Dude, you need speed for next Friday's game!"Mari laughed.

We arrived at the Gym and so the whole team there.

Well, The chosen ones.

And...Springtrap was there.

Me and the guys looked at Springtrap and frowned at him.

Why does he have to be the Co-Captain.

Plus, He doesn't like my taste.

We headed to Toy Fred who was dribbling 2 balls at the same time.

"So, We gonna practice?"I asked.

"Yep!Alright!Now all of you, get here and stop looking at the pictures of hot girls!"Fred yelled, looking at a group of jocks who were looking at the picture of hotties.

Ok, That is freaking disgusting.

"So, Like I said, our game is next Friday and since our Co-Captain is here, Let me introduce him to you guys."Toy Fred said."Hey Spring-Hey, hey, hey, hey!What the hell are you doing!?"Toy Fred yelled, looking at Springtrap who was about to punch Jake.

"Oh for god's sake!Now your punchin' him!?I told you last year to never pick on our team members!"Fred yelled.

"Oh...Well, I promise that it won't happen again."Springtrap fakely smiled.

"Oh yeah?I think I heard that sentence more than a hundred times!!!Like when you said that then next thing you kicked Fritz's butt!And punched Charlie's nose and gave him a nosebleed!And when you locked Jeremy at the storage room and he got home at 9 FREAKIN' 30!!!And when you hid Mike's towel when he was in the shower room!Oh!And when you kicked Michael's balls!!!"Toy Fred yelled.
"But there were many fights you actually did...Was it...50 fights?"Toy Fred said.

"Actually it was 79 fights!"Mari said, pointing to his phone.
"I've been counting since Gr.9!"Mari said.

"Really?79 fights?!"I asked."Yep.Sooo many.."Mari said.

"Anyway, ahem yeah, Springtrap will be you're Co-Cap.tain."Toy Fred frowned.

A few Awww's was heard from those who experiences his pain.Except for the jocks, who was cheering on Springtrap.Springtrap is known to be the leader of the jocks.

"Oh, So Foxy is here!"Spring rolled his eyes.

"Got a problem with that?!"I growled, stepping up to him, getting my fists ready.

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