What Time Is It?!

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No One's POV

"Prepare to see the glimmering sunlight this summer!"Ms.Jelian says and caught everyone's attention.
"After summer, we'll have auditions for our school musical!"

Foxy looks at Mangle and smiled at her.

"We will be handing the copies pf the lyrics after summer!"Ms.Jelian informed.

"Dude, We have really have to chillax this summer!"Foxy said to Toy Bonnie behind his back.
"Dude!Your actually gonna audition?!"Toy Bonnie snickered.
"What's up with that?"Foxy smirked.

"And there was that one summer..."The teacher discussed.

"Summer,"Toy Bonnie said.
"Summer,"Toy Chica and Toy Bonnie said.
"Summer,Toy Chica said.
"Summer,"Baby said.
"Summer,"Freddy said.
"Summer,"Mangle said.
"Summer,"Toy Freddy said then everyone started chanting.
"Summer, summer, summer, summer, summer, summer, summer, summer, summer, summer, summer!"


"WHOOOOOO!!!!!"Everyone cheered and leaped out of their seats and did a victory dance.

All:What time is it?
Summertime!It's our vacation!
What time is it?
Party time!That's right say it loud!
What time is it?
Time of our lives!Anticipation!
What time is it?
Summertime!School's out!Scream and shout!

Foxy:Finally summer's here!Good to be chilling out!
I'm off the clock,
The pressure's off
Now my girl is what it's all about

Mangle:Ready for some sunshine
For my heart to take a chance
I'm here to stay
Not moving away
Ready for a summer romance

Foxy and Mangle:Everybody's ready, going crazy and we're out!
Come on and let me hear you say it now, right now!

All:What time is it?
Summertime!It's our vacation!
What time is it?
Party time!That's right say it loud!
What time is it?
Time of our lives!Anticipation!
What time is it?
Summertime!School's out!Scream and shout!

Mangle:Goodbye to rules, no summer school's
I'm free to shop 'til I drop!
Toy Chica:It's an education vacation!
Chica:And the party never has to stop!
Bonnet:Got things to do, I'll see you soon!
Baby:And we're really gonna miss you all
Ballora:Goodbye to you and you
Funtime Foxy:(Points at Springtrap and Sabrina)Screw you, screw you!
Mangle:Bye bye until next fall!
Funtime Foxy:(Does the 'finger' to Springtrap and Sabrina)Screw you!

All girls:Everybody ready, going crazy and we're out!Come on and let me here you say it now, right now!

Toy Freddy:What time is it?
(Summertime!It's our vacation!)
What time is it?
(Party time!That's right, say it loud!)
What time is it?
(Time of our lives!Anticipation!)
What time is it?
(Summertime!School's out!Scream and shout!)

Toy Chica and Toy Bonnie:No more waking up at 6 am,
Cause now our time is all our own.

Ballora and Marionette:Enough already, we're waiting come on let's go!

All:Go out of control!!!

(Dance break)

Come on!

All:School pride let's show it!
We're champions and we know it!
Wildcats are the best!
Red, White, and Gold!
When it's time to win, we do it!
We're number one, we proved it!
Let's live it up!
Party down!
That's what the summer's all about!

All:Summer's here!

Mangle:Summertime is finally here!(Let's celebrate!)

Bonnie and Chica:Wanna hear you loud and clear now!(School's out!)

Freddy and Baby:We can sleep as late as we want to!(It's our time!)

Bonnet and Bon Bon:Now we can do whatever we wanna do!

All:What time is it?It's summertime!We love the day!
Come on and say it again now!What time is it?
It's summertime!
Let's celebrate!The time of out lives!!!!



"WOOOHOOOO!!!!!!"They all cheered.


Mangle's POV

"Yes!It's finally summer!!!!!"I cheered and ate my sandwich.

The speaker on the ceiling rang and caught everyone's attention.

"Students, Next week we will go camping!All of us!Yes, I said ALL of us!In my sister's camp, Camp Larksong!"Mr.Schmidt said.

"Camp Larksong!?"Toy Bonnie and Bonnet gasped.

"Waddup with that?"Freddy asked munching a pizza.

"It's haunted!That freaking camp is haunted!"Toy Bon freaked out.

"It's true!"Bonnet pointed out and shivered.

"Well, I read horror and conspiracy theories, I did read that Camp Larksong is haunted."Baby said and grabbed her phone.

"Camp Larksong Theory:
Long ago, a family of four lived in that forest.The dad ha to go abroad and left his wife and daughter's.When he returned, he bought a doll.The twin daughter's shared and slept with the doll untile it did weird things,  The doll would grab their necks and pull them out of bed.They started having nightmares about the doll.The doll stole the mother's necklace and choked the dad's neck.They had enough and placed it in the attic they went out for a while and when they returned, they saw the doll sitting on the sofa with the sinister smile it had.They decide to leave it there and NOT touch it.Every night it would giggle and laugh and whisper.
One night, an ear-piercing scream was heard.The parents went in their daughter's room and saw them dead.The window was open and the cold wind brushed their skin.
The parents were dissapointed then died after the incident.Police tried shooting it but whoever kills it would be possessed by the soul..."Baby said then looked at us who were shivering.

"What?It was just a theory!"Baby shrugged.

"Yeah!A REAL theory!"Bonnet freaked out.

"This is gonna be one heck of a camp!"Bonnie muttered.

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