Another ocassion....AGAIN!?

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October 15, 2018
(A long time skip)

Foxy's POV

I ate my lunch with my friends in the cafeteria.
Me and Mangle have been rehearsing with Chica with a help of Bonnie.
"So...Halloween's almost here!"Toy Chica grinned playing her food.
"Oh My Gosh!Yes!I forgot to plan what to wear!"Mangle sighed.
"Mangle, It's October 15.The Halloween party is on November 1."Chica said.

Chica, she's like google!She knows everything and stuff!Well, She is in Newspaper.Bet she's president.

"Oh!Right!"Mangle chuckled and ate her lunch.
"What are you planning to wear bonny boo?"Toy Chica asked Toy Bonnie who was actually in a relationship since prom and decided not to tell us!
"Hm...I dunno..."Toy Bon shrugged.
Toy Chica placed her hands on her hips.
"Seriously?!You don't know!?Terrific."She rolled her eyes.
"I guess I'll just dress up as a popstar with my guitar?"Toy Bon shrugged.
"Ooh!Perfect!I'll dress up as a...popstar too!I'll wear a pink frilly skirt!And a pink and yellow top!And yellow sparkly boots!"Toy Chica grinned.
"Sounds cool!"Toy Bon smiled and kissed her.
"I'll just go demon."Baby said.
"Basketball star!"Toy Freddy said.
"You wore as a basketball star last year and last last year and last last last year and last last last last year!"Mangle said and placed her head on her palm.
"Bloody ballerina."Ballora shrugged."Again.You wore that last year."Bonnet sighed."This time it'll be black and red!"Ballora snapped.
"I'll just go as a nurse with blood stains."Chica said.
"I think I'll go as a mad scientist,"Bonnie said.
"I dunno..."Freddy shrugged and tapped his chin a couple of times.
"I love pizza so...I guess I'll be a pizza maker bringing a chainsaw with real blood and smells like blood."Freddy smirked.
We stared at him creepily about the real blood.
"For real?"Bonnie asked and Freddy nodded.
"I'll use blood as ketchup!Pizza maker remember?"Freddy laughed.
Funtime Foxy was about to put ketchup on HEr hotdog then looked at Freddy.
"Screw you..."Funtime Foxy growled facing Freddy and pushed the ketchup away.
"Ain't my problem missy!"Freddy said and ate his pizza.
"Did you call me missy!?"Funtume Foxy growled and slammed HEr hands on the table.
Freddy nodded.
Funtime Foxy grabbed a plastc knife.
Freddy looked at HEr and shrugged.
"Come at me bruh!"He said and sHE threw the knife but it obviously did not hurt...
Damn, Freddy ain't scared right now.
"Freddy must be drunk...."Marionette said.
"Hella drunk."I said.
"He's usually afraid of Funtime.."Baby said.
"Anyway, How about you Mari?"Mangle asked.
"I don't know, I'll just wear something black!"Mari said and sipped his coke.
"Funtime Foxy?"Mangle asked.
"Killer."sHE replied with gritted teeth while looking at Freddy and gave a finger.
Freddy laughed and ate another pizza.
"Well, I'll just dress as Mavis."Bonnet said.
"Bloody Selena Gomez fan..."Toy Bonnie said.
"How about you Mang?"TC asked her.
"I'm not sure...."She said.
"We'll just go matching Queen!"I said to her.
"Sounds nice!"She said.

We all dumped our tray's and went to the playground to chat.

Next day....

Mangle's POV

Halloween party!
When:This November 1, 2018
5:30PM to 12:00AM
Where:Haunted house in abandoned park.
Where your costumes!Spookiest costumes will receive a prize!

I am SO excited!
I still haven't plan on what will I wear though.


Too obvious!



Bloody Mary?

Nope!Wore that last year





Ugh!I have no idea what to wear!!!!
But!Chica was pretty smart about the location of the party!
Chica is the leader of the comittee where she plans, decide's, and get.
She didn't spoil the designs though.
She wants to be a surprise!

"Hi Mangle!"Chica greeted behind me.

"Hey Chic!"I said.

"Excited for our party?"She giggled.

"Obviously I am!"I snickered.

"Heh, Oh!We'll rehearse during free period alright?"She said.

"Sure!"I smiled at her.

We met up with our friends and talked about halloween party and stuff and about who Baby and Ballora should go with.

"Nope!I am NOT having a date!"Ballora glared.

"Me too!"Baby agreed.

"Gosh!Guys!Chill!"I chuckled and we went to our classroom.

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