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Mangle's POV

*Beep Beep Bee-SLAM!*

SQUEEE!!!!Tonight is our prom night!
It will be a night to remember!

*Knock knock*

"Come in!"I yelled.My maid, Heathers was at the door."Good Morning Ms.Montez, Your dad hired 2 professional make-up artists for your prom.The dressmaker is finished with you gown, you might want to check it out.The make-up artists are downstairs with your dad."

I rubbed my eyes again and stopped,

"Dad's here!?"I said happily and rushed downstairs.

"Good Morning!"I smiled at my dad and sat next to him.

"Good Morning Mangle!"Dad said and hugged me.
"Mangle, This is your make-up artists, Mackenzie and Ava, Mackenzie, Ava this is Mangle!"Dad said.

"Hello!"They waved at me.
"Hey!"I said.

"Morning!"My sibs said and walked down the stairs tiredly.
Xangle had his eyes wide open and looked at my make-up artists and walked to them.
"And who might they be?"He asked.
"Mackenzie and Ava, The make-up artists."I said.
"Well, Hotsie, Sup?"Xangle said.
"I'm 27 years old,"Mackenzie and Ava said immediately.
Xangle had a frozen smiled and plastered a fake smiled then walked to the kitchen.

"Ahem, Mangle you can request whatever you want to them or-"Dad said then I cut him off.

"Just let them surprise me."I shrugged.

Dad raised a brow at me and started talking to me.
"Sweetie, I'll be staying home tomorrow and I got news but I have to tell you that tomorrow, So, Who's your date?"He asked.
"Well, I found another greater boyfriend and he is Foxy."I smiled confidently.
"Foxy?Hmm, He is a good man, I think I'll accept him!"Dad approved.
I squealed and hugged him and he hugged me back.
Dad had to miss a lot of news about music, clubs, the game, and our relationship so I had to talk about it during breakfast while Xangle was flirting with the make-up artists.

After breakfast, me and the make-up artists went up to my room to start the make-up and fitting.

"Okay, Honey, Freshen up your face first!And pat dry your face, comb your hair, and use a hairband."Ava instructed.I nodded and did what they told me to do.
After, They let me sit on a high chair.
"Now darling, Take a deep breath as you enter to a world of magic!"Mackenzie smiled and spun my chair around.
Ava pressed a button on her speaker and played the song Magic's in the makeup.

They both hummed while Ava did my hair and Mackenzie with my face.

-Time Skip!-

4:00 PM

I was already chilling in my room.The make-up artists were already gone, I will be wearing my gown during 5:35
Just a few more hours 'til our prom!
I really love my make-up though!

The make-up artists were already gone, I will be wearing my gown during 5:35Just a few more hours 'til our prom!I really love my make-up though!

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