Dear Mother

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Mangle's POV

"I'll tell you..."

"My mother was a famous singer, Everyone adores her and loves her.But she loves me, dad and my siblings more.She went to California for a concert.We visited her in her dressing room as a surprise.She was very happy we visited her since she wasn't wuth us for 2 weeks.During the concert, we sat on the front row to see mom more clearly after she sang her 5th song she took a break.When she got off the stage and walked to backstage."I sniffed and wiped a few tears while Foxy was listening.

"Then?"He asked.

"Then a-a BOMB exploded on stage.Many people panicked and-and my dad looked f-for my mom and fire spreaded everywhere.Many kids got lost but a security guard helped me and my siblings on the way out.My dad was still backstage for my mom.We waited outside for her to come out.The dad c-came...without my m-mom...Dad had bruises everywhere.The fire spreaded the whole stage.Firetrucks came and put out the fire.Firemen tried to look for my mom but...She-She--*Cries*"I cried and covered my face with my hands.

"Shh...It's ok, Don't worry..I'll always be there for you, Your not the only one though."He said in a calm voice.

I wiped my tears and looked at him with a confused face.

"My Mom and Dad seperated when I was a kid.They kept fighting and all so we had to move here in New York.I missed my dad though, Everyday we'd go fishing together, camping, and hike in a forest.A few years passed and I never received a letter from him."Foxy said.

"Oh Foxy, I'm sorry and thanks Foxy, For always being there when I need you..."I smiled.

"You're welcome!"He smiled.

We hugged each other and heard a camera click.

We turned around to see Foxina with her phone with a cheesy grin.

"I-I should go home now."I said.

"Sure.It's still drizzling though, Mom can take you home, she has a car."He smiled and told his mom to give me a ride and she agreed.

We walked to the the door so I could finally go home.

"Goodbye Foxina!"I said.

"Bye Mangle!"She said back with a smile.

I sat at the backseat with Foxy while his mom drove me home.

We reached to my house and I hopped off the car.

"Goodbye Mrs.Pirate, Thanks for the ride."I smiled.

"No Problem, Sweetheart!Bye!"She smiled.

"Bye Foxy!See you tomorrow!"I waved.

"Bye!"He smiled.

I walked to the door and shut it and took a deep breath.

It was already 10:15 PM.

Foxy's POV

After dropping Mangle to her house we got home.

"Your girlfriend was really sweet, Foxy.Foxina was right."Mom said.

"Mom, She's not my girlfriend......yet..."I mumbled.

"Oh.Well, You students have a prom, right?You should ask her out before anyone does."Mom said.

"Yeah Foxy, She'd make a great Sister-In-Law!"Foxina winked.

"Alright..."I smiled.


Thanks SO much for the 1K views!!!You guys are the best!!!!

Anyway, Sorry for the short chapter.But it's gonna get more juicy I promise!

See you!


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