"Granny!I made a noise!Whoops!"

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Foxy's POV

All of us were scrambling at the big mansion.
We were all pretty silent cause Granny hears anything!
Mangle was holding my hand cause she said she was a little scared.
"Dang it!7 more minutes for our flashlight!"Bonnie whispered.
"Granny!"TC whispered and hid under a table we looked at the hall and saw Granny coming here, We all hid under tables or behind chairs.Toy Bon peeked a little and quickly hid behind the chair again and shivered.

Yup, Granny is hideous af.

Once Granny was gone, we quickly went out and went in another room.

Which is the bathroom.

"Eww!!!It stinks!"Toy Chica mumbled.
"Chill!"Mangle said and looked at a sink.
"Wait, Why the hey is there blood here?"Mangle asked pointing to a sink that's full of blood.
"I dunno?"Bonnet said with a disgusted look.
"Chica, Is this part of the design?"I asked.
Chica shrugged.
"I'm not sure..."Chica shrugged when she peeked at the bathtub.
"There's nothing!Let's get out!"Ballora said and peeked at the door if Granny was there.
"All clear!"Ballora whisper-shouted and we ran out the bathroom and walked up the stairs.
Up the stairs was a doll, bear, and the mannequin.
"Come on!Search in the drawers!"I whispered and we searched.
"Found a car key!"Freddy whisper-shouted and ran near us and knocked down the mannequin.
We stared at the mannequin and glared at Freddy.
"Great!"Toy Freddy facepalmed.
"Granny!I made a noise!"Freddy shouted nervously.
We all looked at him and groaned.
"Whoops!"Freddy said and we heard creaking.
"Run!"I said and we ran out the room going down the basement and crouched silently.
"Geez Freddy,"Funtime Foxy complained.
"What?At least I got the key!"Freddy said.
"You called Granny's attention!And get your butt outta my face!"sHE complained.
"Will you two shut up?"Baby snapped and we were in the car park.
"I hate this place..."Toy Bon muttered.


Somebody shrieked.

"Guess they were caught!"Chica said and looked in the boxes and grabbed a screwdiver.

"So we found a screwdriver...neat."Bonnet said.

"Let's go up and get 4 more keys!"Bonnie said.

Ballora peeked at the door again.

"Clear!"She said.

We all rambled upstairs to the attic really fast and we panted.

"Gosh!*Pant*So tired!"Mangle panted.

"AHHHHHHH!!!!!!"We all looked at our right and saw....Granny.
"No!Not Granny!"We all yelled.
Granny(Mario)was screaming and didn't get us, He ran down the stairs.
"He didn't catch us!"Toy Chica giggled.
"We won"Baby cheered.
"Ya sure?We didn't even escape yet!"Funtime Foxy asked.

Bonnie looked in front and adjusted his eyeglasses.

"Guys..."He started.
"Come on!Let's go to the storage room!"Toy Freddy said.
"Wait!How about the drawers?"Freddy said.
"We checked there dumbo and you almost got us caught!"Funtime Foxy growled.
"GUYS!"Bonnie shouted.
"What!?"They asked and Bonnie pointed forward to see....

Well, Diddley-doo!Hello Granny!
In Real Life!

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