Chapter 1

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I was in front of the mirror and watching the reflection of myself.My grandma always saying to me how important the beauty was.The beauty that every girl wants,beauty that only few had.Beauty that can't be steal by anyone.

I don't know why it was a big deal to my grandma to sustain my beauty.Yes,I know that every woman should maintain the beauty they have but the way my grandmother has was very creepy.If I'll just didn't knew her,I'm just going to think  that she was just preparing me to dedicate to some powerful persons.Damn this thoughts.

My grandmother raised me with full of advises.Those advises that I always hear everyday until I got memorize it because of the repetitive way of remembering it.

"Mirror,mirror,mirror on the wall.Who is the most beautiful girl of all?"I ask the old and antique mirror of grandma that anytime will going to answer me to my question.

"You....Ava Louisa"I answer to my own reflection.A smile flew out on my lips because of my own answer.I think I'm crazy.

"Ava!You get down!Your going to late to your class"shouts of my grandma.I get alarmed when she shouts and I immedietly comb my short hair  that only ends to my shoulder.I also wear my eyeglass because I'm a girl with a very poor sight.

So what?I'm a gorgeous girl with a glasses.I hasted get out of my room and almost run to the kitchen.My grandma did'nt like me to get late to my class.

"Good morning grandma!"Greet to my stunning beautiful grandmother while kissing her cheeks.She was busy mixing the food she was cooking.

"Get fast and eat.You know that I don't want you skipping meal,it's not good for your health"I'll just nod to what my grandma says.Here we go again,my sensitive body.

The food was prepared in the table and ready to eat.

For grandma,she thinks of me like a fragile object that can't be broke or get dirty.The everything that can ruin my beauty will be blocked and everything that can improve it makes my grandma push it to me.I don't want to see grandma getting weak just by getting something that can improve my beauty.Sometimes she's threatening me that she will be mad that's why I'm not refusing anything to her.

"Grandma?my birthday is coming,give me a gift ha?"Quizzical say to her.

I get puzzled when she suddenly stopped to my statement.Did I say something wrong?Is she not happy that I reach the right age?I am a fully maiden.

"I'm going to give you a gift if your going to stay yourself as clean and pure.."I laugh when my grandma say that.How many times did I hear those two words?clean and pure.

"Come on grandma,I know that.You correctly raise me,I'll never flirt with other guys there"I rolled my eyes while chewing the soft bread.

I was just a simple girl with a simple life.Were not rich who owns a lot of branded cars,were not a stockholder of different big companies and more that I didn't raised in luxuries.

I was just a simple girl with a broken family.Never that my grandmother feel to me the breakness of my family.Even I live with her advices and her strict presence,I know that she's always giving me the love that no one can ever beat.

My grandmother is the most wonderful thing happened to me and I will do anything to please her and following her advices is the biggest thing to bring back her love.

My parents?haha.I'll didn't know what happened to them.I even don't see them.My father was never been seen after my mother's pregnancy to me.My mother leave me and go with another man.Sometimes,I wonder if they really love me because they leave me and abandoned.

Anyways,I still have my grandmother on my side,giving me a lots of love.

I was living in a mountain with a cold temperature.The mountain which is very famous by its rare plants and trees growing there.

I was grow up in a simple paradise.A sweet paradise,a silent paradise,a peaceful paradise that will be the lullaby of your heart.

How I love the scent of nature.I was belonged to nature.Sometimes I think I am a fairy here that my grandmother forget.I'll just grin to myself.

I was grown reserved.My grandmother raised me with an idea that there's a guy who are going to go here on the top of the mountain to grab me and marry me.That guy who were meant to me who should I give a lot of my attention.

The guy who can only own my lips.Everytime that I think that,I always touch my lips imperatively.

What is the feeling of being kissed?Sometimes I see some scenes of a couple changing kisses in a locker and based on their reaction,they enjoying it.How about the feeling of changing salivas with him?It must be virgin problems.

She's always says to me that he was the only one can see my skin.The guy that my grandmother always tells to me when I were still a little child.

Who can believe it?I never saw his face.Is he handsome?masculine?Did he have a good body?

At first,I get afraid to my grandmother whenever she says it.I feel like I was a poultry animal going to sell in the market.

How many times that my grandmother take me a milk and rice bath and having excercise every week?Were always doing it to keep my skin flawless and to keep my body curved.

When I were in school,my schoolmates calls me 'the granddaughter of the witch'.I can never refuse that because my grandmother was really a good witch.She's helping the people using her rare plants and different chants.My grandmother were very famous by her healing powers.

And also to known that I have a witch grandmother,the boys were never really close to me.Like what?my grandmother will just give them a nightmare.How poor they are.

I am proud to my grandmother.

"Go home early Ava,I'm going to bath you in rice milk."she said.If I were some strangers there,I will definitely having goosebumps if I'm going to hear that.

"Yes grandma"I cheerfully answer to her.I drank the glass of milk that she gave to me before I stand and bid goodbye to her.

"Okay grandma,I'm going to school"I kiss her cheeks.I take my bicycle that she always prepare every morning.

"Take care my granddaughter,don't ever scratch your skin to anything"remind to me.

"Yes grandma!"I smile to her before I ride the bike.I'm going to start to run it when she calls me again.Did I forget something?

"Ava!You forget to say it to me"I wince to myself when I remember what I always says to her.I almost forget it.

"I won't let them touch me.Just let them stare to me until they die"my grandmother just nod to what I have said and I started to kick the pedal of bike.

I'll just shrug.It was always the scenes happening everyday.Surely,I must be the virgin of the virgins.I never been touched of those guys or never been stared to me that long.Because the suddenly that they stare to me that long,they will going to have nightmares.Damn.I don't care about the boys in my surrounding.

But the biggest thing I puzzled right now is why I need to bath in rice milk?I'll just take that bath the day after yesterday.Weird.

My birthday was really close and my grandmother said that I can definitely see the guy that will love me and going to love him.Is it maybe?Love at First Sight?What about him?Is he also grown reserved?Is he raised with a known about me?

Is he a good kisser?My cheeks turns red now.

"Ava..."I quickly stop my bike when I hear a man's voice from my right ear.

I turn around and look somewhere.I'm just the only person here and I'm sure that I hear a man's voice.What the fudge?

I look up to a noise from above.So many black birds that are flying.It's rare to see having those counts of black birds flying.

"Crows"I just said.I got goosebumps and started the bike again.

Maybe it was just my imagination.

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