Chapter 8

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I am currently on Finn's horse and were continue riding while he was actually pulling another horse which actually contain of Martinus which is unconcious and the guy which came from Vannsammensetning that if I were not wrong,they call his name Leondre.

"Are they always greeting each other like that?They almost killed each other"I ask.I want to touch Martinus if he was okay but I don't know how.

"Don't worry Ava,they won't be die on my lightnings.Its not getting long,Martinus will woke up"William answer.

"What if they're both awake?They just continuing to kill each other again."I heard Finn said while laughing that hard.Aren't they concerned to their brother?

"Is there an origin why they are fighting?Seems like they have a deep hatred to each other."I ask again.I first notice it on how Leondre greets Martinus.

"Just a simple thing."William shrug.Martinus' horse are now on our front together with Leondre.Why did they put this two together in one horse?

"This displeasing second prince of Vannsammensetning can't accept that Martinus are getting equal to the counts of girls or should I say fans without having the ability like him."I winced on William's answer.So it means,even in the vampire world,mens are fighting because of girls.Damn.Just like in our world.

"Such a small thing"I'll just nod on Finn's words.He's right.

"So if its like that,should I consider him as an enemy?"I ask to them again.

"No,only Martinus and him are the enemies.But evenwhen,we didn't trust this guy.He always a traitor to some things."Finn answered.It was just good to just leave him if its that?Even I'm confused,I nod again to them and just choose to shut my mouth while we were riding.But in just a meantime,Martinus' body started to move on his horse.

"Uh oh William,the prince of winter is waking.Even--"Finn's word cut when a flying fist hit his face that cause to him to trajectory on a long distance.I feel the arms of this winter prince in my waist.What the hell.

"Don't touch my girl,Finn."I immediately slap his arm.What the hell?He just flew him somewhere because of that?

"Finn is your brother!Why you're such a trouble maker Martinus?!"I hit him countless times in his shoulder.I don't like an attitude like that to this man with fangs.

"Stop this horse,Martinus."I said cold.

"What?!You like Finn more than me?What did he do to you while I'm sleeping?"I scowl at him.Damn this one,he's too jealous.Should I be happy because of this?!or be scared?!

"I said stop this horse!"Martinus already pull the rein of horse that's why it stops.I heard that William also stops his horse together with 'Martinus' horse where Leondre is sleeping.

"Let's wait for Finn,apologize to him."I said and I get down from the horse,waiting for his poor brother to come back after Martinus' hit.He just drop his jaw in shock on what I've said.

Venom  |  Martinus GunnarsenWhere stories live. Discover now