Chapter 7

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If I was just strong like them,I can escape but not.They were too strong and I'm not.

If I was just fast like them,I can run away but not.Because I'm not like them.

I feel their tounges to my skin.Martinus,where are you to save me?My skin is just for your fangs.

"Hmmp!!"I squealed.I'm still trying to fight them but I can't.I even feel now their fangs ready to jab on mine.

Martinus..Martinus..where are you?Save me..

My tears already fell on the floor.My tears came from eyes fell when they already dig it and started to drink.They currently biting me.I'm going to say this to Martinus!I'm going to let Martinus kill you!

I'll just let them as I feel myself getting weaker and weaker as they continue drinking.I'm a total weak.

I don't like to be their food.Not to be a vampire's food.I am just only for him.I am reserved for Martinus.

Where is he?Where are you?Martinus..


"Ava?"Where are you?Your my saviour...

"Ava?"I am no longer for you Martinus...I'm sorry...

"Ava!!"I feel a strong wind slap me hard and I'm already going to fall to my seat if I didn't hold the table.Wait,seat?fall?I stand up to my chair and I step back when I see them,sitting on their positions.I don't understand?

Aaron is already smirking at me while Diesel is scowling.What's happening?I don't understand what's really happening?

"What's wrong Ava?"Diesel ask.He's going to move closer to me.

"No!No,I'm to tell this to Martinus!"I said as I still stepping back.Diesel already scowled more than earlier like he can't understand my gestures.

"What the hell did you do to her Aaron?!"

Diesel shout it,asking Aaron who still playing the bread knife.I immediately held my cheeks checking it and I shock when I feel no cuts in it.

"I just did some illusions,do you like it sissy?"illusions?so it means,all of it are just illusions?What the....?

"Aaron,are you out of your mind?!What if she really tell this to Martinus?Do you think he will make us alive after this?Aish.Go back to your seat Ava,it was just an illusions.Don't mind it,this was just Aaron's power.I still want to live.Just forget what happened."this time Aaron is winking at me.Did he think it was just easy to forget that scenes?Did he knew that I was scared as hell because of that?!

"Sorry about that sissy,I just try if it work with you.Not a vampire yet huh?Now I know why Martinus Gunnarsen is insane,haha!"he laughing said.They are the most bipolar creature I have met.This two vampires,or vampires are just like that?

I'll back to my seat and I let out a sigh.Lucky I am.I silent for a bit moment,wait why are they not yet sleeping?

"Why are you not sleeping?"I ask.

Venom  |  Martinus GunnarsenWhere stories live. Discover now