Chapter 2

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After the long and tiring class,I immedietly run out from the university to reach home early.I was used to walk in the road at dark and I never afraid that someone will just going to pull me in the forest and do something bad to me,maybe because of their big fear to my grandma,but after I heard an unfamiliar voice of a man, mostly if I am always alone,I was starting to have premonition and panic.

I push myself to think that it was just hallucination because of tiredness but often that he's calling my name.I should say this to grandma,but I don't want to make her worried.Damn.

What should I do?If it was true then who was this guy?I know that there's really a ghost that suspected from the voice I heard.But what about the preventive powers?Is that not effective now?The fudge.Is this the effect of being a grandchild of a witch?

I'll just shrug my head and continue riding the bike.If I'm going to compare the ride I'm doing now and the ride I'm doing the last time,it was getting triple.Why it was like there's watching me from behind?

"No,stop this Ava,don't scare yourself!"I loudly said to mine.My heart was not on its correct beat.Why am I getting nervous?Damnlife.This was always happen when I reach my seven years old,I'll don't know if I'm going to excite on my next birthday because of this feeling.

I'm not feeling well.

Because of fear,I reach our antique home that ten times older to me in short span of time.I got scowled when I see this black vehicles.Why there are so many vehicles here?If going to count it's like five to seven cars that was parked in our house.

Don't tell me they are going to buy healing plants from my grandma?I'll just shrug.I parked my bicycle.I notice our dogs that are uncomfortable because they were tied.I get scowled,tying our dogs is very rare to grandma.

"Hush..."I look down a little to stop their non-stop barks and losing.

"Be good babies,maybe grandma just tied you because there are peoples there.Don't worry I'm going to untie you after"melodious said to my A,B and C,my cute doggies.I think they understand me because they hush.

"Good boys.."I massage them once again before I stand and started walking in the entrance of our house.

I was going to turn the knob when I heard my grandma's voice.According to her tone,I know that she's nervous.Who are this persons there?

"She's not on her right age yet!"even it's a shout,there was still nervousness in my grandma's voice.I want to codole with my grandma inside to face this persons but I am here and preventing myself from doing any moves.I just choose to hear because of bit by bit formation of questions on my mind.What are they talking about?

"Miss Diana,The health of the second prince is not pretty good.He needs her.."what the heck?Is there a play inside our house?Did our house choose to be the setting of the ancient movie?Why is there a prince?What the fudge?But they call my grandma's name.I don't understand.

"We have a talks Marcus!We have a talks,my granddaughter was still not on her right age yet!Please don't take her now.I'm not ready"shit!what?Why are they taking me?I'm not going!Who's second prince?What stupidity did I hear?

"Miss Diana!Respect the first prince"cold said coming from a new voice.What the?Am I correct in the house that I've been?

"Diana,few hours to go and Louisa is turning to her right age!What is the difference from it?My brother needs blood,Martinus life will not be lasting if your grandchild is still away.I know that you most knew it, because it happens with you and to Giovanni"my jaw dropped because of this talks.Giovanni was my grandfather's name.Who's Martinus?Who is this Marcus?Why Martinus needs my blood?Is bloodbank not trend in them?What is their care with my next birthday?

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