Chapter 3

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I'll woke up when I feel someone combing my hair.I'm familiar with this feeling.What time is it?How did my grandma bring me here?

"I know that your awake Ava"a soft voice coming from grandma.Did she cried?

Where am I?I'm in our bathtub and I'm bathing in rice milk again.I was currently wet with milk while grandma are combing my hair.Our natural and ways we used to every week.My whole body were sink in a bathtub with a high grade of woods.

I just look at the shining moon from our window.So pretty good to see,never that this moon fail to shine its beauty to seduce me.

I suddenly shut my eyes when I remember the persons who came earlier in our house.Is it really happen?or is it just a long dream that happens to me while grandma are bathing me.

"Grandma?Did we have visitors earlier?"I ask to grandma who currently waving her hand to the tub.

"Visitors?We don't have visitors"she serious answer to me.

"I'm right!So it means I'm just dreaming?Who is that majesty?There's also a second prince.Oh!maybe I'm just tired this whole day"I laughing said to grandma.Grandma are not still moving to what I've said,in other cases she's going to sermon me because I mention a man.That's weird.

"Grandma.."I got puzzled when I see an unfamiliar mirror with an unfamiliar designs in front of me.

"Grandma?I never seen this mirror before.."this mirror has a very clear reflection and had an unfamiliar totem.

An ace and spade.

"Ace and spade?"my mind remember the moments happen with 'his majesty' to my dream.Mostly when he said that 'I may not have the birthmark nor the ace of spade'.What is the meaning of that?What is the meaning of my dream?Is that possible that I have a clear statement that it also happens in real life?Not just a dream?Is this possible that grandma are not saying the truth?Is that possible that it is not a dream?That someone will take my blood?

I jump in shock when our antique grandfather clock started to make a loud music means that it was midnight.

"Happy birthday Ava dear.."I feel grandma kiss me on the cheek.

"Thank you grandma!"I smile to her greet.

"Look at the mirror.I'm going to give you my gift"I smile when she open the wooden box and popped up a pendant with a pretty black gem.

"It's beautiful grandma.."I did'nt thought grandma will give me a pendant.

"Promise to me that you will never remove it on your body in any kinds of situation.Can I reckon that promise dear?"she said while we both staring at the mirror.

"Why am I going to remove it?You gave it to me grandma.I will never leave it"I smiling said to grandma while staring at the beautiful pendant.Where did she buy this?It looks expensive.

"Can I have suitors now grandma?"my joke to her.

"Yes you can"she cold answer.My jaw drops to her answer.

"Are you serious grandma?"can't believe she say that.She answer like that.I can't believe.

"Do what you want,your now in the right age"I'll just smirk to what grandma said.I'm not going to get easygoing.I look at the moon again.

Venom  |  Martinus GunnarsenWhere stories live. Discover now