Chapter 4

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I'll woke up in a beautiful scent that I always remember.
Oh how I love the flowers,it always relieves me.

If I'll can just sleep like this forever without thinking the assignments,test and even foreboding recitations but damn,I know that in any minute right now my grandmother will gonna wake me up for studying in the university.

Please,I need five more minutes.

I don't want to open my eyes.I want to sleep.I want to feel the softness of my bed.I want to feel the warm of my comforter.More particularly I wrapped myself.What if I didn't attend to school?

I even do a fetus style to get more comfortable to me.Why is this so cold?It always gives me laziness to woke up.

"Ava.."I'll just snob the person who calls my name.I really need sleep.

"Ava.."I immediately get the pillow and block my ears to not hear my name.

"Ava.."damn it.I stormy open my eyes when I hear my name coming from an unfamiliar voice of a man.Who is this guy who calling me?

I'll didn't make a move.What is this guy doing on here?Where's grandma?I start to get twitter,a boy having here on my room is a big sin.My grandma would definitely kill me if she knows this.

But I got nervous when I realize.What the hell?This is not my bed!How did I came here?Damn.I can't remembered. Did I drunk last night?What the hell is happening?

"Come on Ava,stop that acts"why did he know my name?Acts?

I screamed when the thick comforter that hides myself suddenly pull down.I rapidly sit and step back until I was in the bed's headrest.And almost my eyes got widen on what I've seen.

I'm in a strange room with this gorgeous stranger.Who the heck is he?I'm just sitting in red bed full of white rose petals.What's with this setting?

And I looked down on myself.I don't own this dress!I'm wearing a black silk dress that can vividly see my body with this thin kind fabric!Did we did it?I automatically wrapped myself to cover up the any part that blots with this very thin dress.Who changed my clothes?

Who the heck is him?

When the moments our eyes met,I can't stop myself not to swallow many times.Damn.

He's too handsome and damn topless.What am I doing in this room with him?How did I came here and woke up wearing this dress?

He was sitting right now in front of me like a king while gently sipping a red drink.He had this intense eye on me that I can't explain.My heart beats really fast in the way he looks at me.He looked familiar,its not like the first time we met.

"Why am I here?"I nervously ask him.The last thing I remembered is that my grandma and I were talking.Shit!I can't remember anything!

I shock when he suddenly lost in my sight and almost jump when I feel his hot breath to my right ear.

"Open your mouth"I don't have a plan to obey his command but I didn't know why my lips voluntarily open.

Did he cast something on me?I can't move.I don't have anything to do but to watch what he was doing to me.I feel some of his fingers in my upper teeth as it were like he was urgency in touching my teeth.Is he some sort of a dentist?

I got confuse with his thunderstruck expression.What's wrong with him?

"I didn't turn you...."he whispers.Turn me what?

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