Chapter 6

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I want to curse myself for this.This is a damn stupidity.My heart,mind and body are getting contradicting to one another.

I always force myself to think that I will never like this guy.I won't ever be like him.They sucked blood for their survival,they sucked blood for their lives.This thing is very inhuman,very ruthless.I can't live a life like this.How they can do this?Feeding themselves,victimizing a lot innocent people?How can I survive with this?This is damn wrong.You can't survive and live drinking bloods.Your kind of wish Ava is damn idiotic.

Martinus was staring at me and his eyes are slowly turns red,ready for a great bite to his idiot prey.The candles started to die and only his red blood eyes hungrily to my neck is the only thing I can see in this whole dark room.

"Martinus...please."I want to pull myself out of shame or maybe slap myself to reality.Why did you call his name,Ava?Damn you.


In a speed of happenings,I found myself sitting on a table with full of flowers and pretty stuffs fulfilling the expensive pots.I get pity with them,I replace now their attention.I can't help but to eye shut when all of them fell on the floor,broke.

But damn,my body,heart and mind.They are all traitoring me.From the very top that he bites me in front of the fires and in the eyes of hundres vampires,I felt the changes of my body system.Damn my body itself.

"Your bipolar my Ava.I heard what you said earlier,I though you don't like me?"he smirking said while locking me on his arms.

Instead that I answer his question,I just reach my hands to his face holding and tracing it.

"I want to see your fangs,Martinus"he did not answer and just open his mouth for me to see what I wanted.I can clearly see now his fangs.

My fingers trace his fangs like the way how he did it when I got my conciousness.My finger feels the sharpness of his fangs even in the edge.Damn,this fangs that my body wish for a lot.

He sharply hold my hand and remove it to his mouth,stopping to what I'm doing.

"Stop Ava.You're seducing me"he whispher to me.I shock again when we change positions.I should maybe get use to this kind,always changing that fast.I was currently facing the wall while Martinus was on my back,letting my hair on the side.I made a fist but I got slow or maybe he got fast catching my hands and place it between the cold walls and to his hands.I feel his hot breath on my neck.

"Martinus.."I uttering said.I can't help but to said that way,his touches already destroy my system when I felt his warm tounge to my neck.

I must be a dumb person but I love the way his tounge playing with mine.

"Ava Louisa,I've waiting you for long.."he whispher to my ear while nibbling it.I bit my lower lip when I feel his hands,gently ripping the fabric that covers my shoulders.I'm getting heated on what he do,I seems crazy now.

"Why don't we change place?Let's try on your shoulder"I was a damn robot who just follow his command.I nod.I just let him continue what he want.

I gently shut my eyes when I feel his fangs moving closer to my nape down to my shoulders as he feel my warmness and my heart beating fast.You let him Ava.You like it so don't resist.He hardly and strongly held my hands.I feel his going to dig it.I feel it.

Venom  |  Martinus GunnarsenWhere stories live. Discover now