On Going Night-Mare.

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It's cold, dark and loud.
I feel the goosebumps cover my whole body, all the individual hairs stand up tall and proud.
I see nothing other than pitch black, with the odd occasional figure in the air.
I hear some sort of endless, heavy, clicky-clacky noise with rumbling underneath me.

Where am I? Am i suppose to know?

The darkness feels suffocating, and although I'm sitting still I'm somehow moving almost like in rhythm with nosies I'm hearing.

I feel alone, stupid and scared.
All of sudden i burst into tears, i cant deal with this crazy feeling.
My palms become more and more sweaty, i feel tears streaming down my face.
I don't know what i should do, whether I'm suppose to scream for help or sit and wait for this feeling to leave.

The more i wait the more i panic, my single droplet tears turn into a stream of tears running down my face, my clammy hand become soaking wet with fear and my silent sobs become violent screams.
All the while the rumbling underneath me become more and more frequent, faster if you will.

Slowly I'm becoming immune to it, i don't want to be, but i am.
The way the rhythm of the noise was throwing me about, I'm now steading out, like I'm use to it.

Suddenly, a strong light blinds me. So close yet I'm not able to touch.
I feel like I've been in darkness for internal years and only now I'm realising you cannot feel light, like you can see it.

I slowly look around, with a soaking wet face from my tears, a tingling sore throat from my screams and red raw arms, from my deathly grips on them and see people, i see people. Actual humans, like me yet they don't have tears down there faces, they don't have red arms. They're calm.
Why are they calm, while I'm petrified?

All of a sudden all the hair on my body stands down and lays flat and instead of being freezing cold I've got a sudden rush of heat overwhelm my body and face. i wiped the tears that have slightly dried on my face, then move on to wiping my clammy hand down my legs.

Ive finally got up the courage to stand up and look around, while twenty odd people stare worryingly at me. I'm on a rusty, old, boxy train. I feel embarrassed. i was so terrified and of nothing.

I stare out of the mouldy, dimmed window and see miles snd miles of green, bushy, beautiful trees. I feel at peace, once again. My mouth turns into a huge grin across my face.
I'm happy. I'm calm. I'm home.
Well, thats at least what i kept telling myself.
As i swallow my pride and turn around to confront the people behind me to confess i was truly sorry for overeating. A overwhelming shock occurred to me. Those people behind me, they no longer had faces. They have pale looking skin, but no faces, no hair. Even without faces, i feel them staring me right in my eyes. I freeze, i can no longer move. I'm tied up.

Im in this room, with a huge window although that window isn't actually a window but its a painting of trees, just like the view i saw out of the train window, where i felt at peace. That moment of peace was officially over and that once view that made me feel that way now does the total opposite.
I feel a single droplet of a salty tear run down my face, i go to wipe it yet soon realise I'm not able to, I'm tied up. I lay on a single plank of wood, raised up to a slanted angle where my ankles and wrist have string tied around them, cutting into my arms.
The room is a pale white, it reminds me of they're skin.
They're coming. i can feel it.

I close my eyes, and picture myself running, running away from this all.
I open my eyes to one of those faceless people cutting the strings off my ankles and wrist. They repeat one thing.
" run boy run"

Ever so hesitant, i jump up and run, just like i heard the faceless person say.
Running out the pale room, down a metal like corridor, i see a door. i head for it nearly tripping over my own feat. I'm running, I'm actually running. i push open the door that states it not an exit to find my self outside, the fresh air chocks my lungs and feels my eyes with tears. I'm free.

Only to find the only way out of this hell is the very same train that got me here in the first place.
As i debate whether its a good idea or not to get on, the train starts to move, the clicky-clacky sound haunt me once again. I run for it. I run just like that faceless person told me to.
Im running, i feel the beat of every step rush though my weak, fragile body which I've only just noticed that i am, i am weak. i am fragile.
It feels like the faster i feel I'm going, the train gets faster. The now thought of doubt overtakes my Body and as I'm about to give up on this unrealistic goal to get on the train. My paste fasten, my feat move to an impeccable beat, i grab hold of the hole in the train door and swing myself round and slide in the cart of the train. I'm relieved, out of breath but relieved.

That moment of feeling relieved doesn't last long, all of a sudden I see nothing again. my body becomes even more sweaty then before. i feel a sensation of panic rush around my body. I'm not sure what to do.

With a gasp I open my eyes, its dark but not too dark that i cant see.
I sit up from a warm, sweaty bed and see all the things i own, I'm confused, i don't understand where i am.

Was that all really just nightmare?
It felt so real.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15, 2018 ⏰

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