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Steve sat with Clara in his room while the new recruits trained with Natasha. Steve laid on his bed, looking up at the ceiling as Clara sat beside him. "So, when do you think the world is going to end next?" She asked sarcastically, gaining a small laugh from Steve.

"What's that supposed to mean?" He raised his eyebrow before he propped himself up on his elbow.

"Well first there was Red Skull for you, Loki, then Hydra and that damn Killian guy," she held her her fingers as she counted the threats, "now Ultron. It's only a matter of time before we have to put our suits back on and fight another battle."

"Don't say that," Steve shook his head.

"Just stating the truth." Clara mumbled before the room fell silent. Steve laid back down, his legs hanging off the edge of his bed as he stared up at the ceiling. He felt the bed shift slightly under him, making him look to see Clara had laid down on her side and was facing him.

"What about this?" She asked, though Steve didn't catch on right away. "What are we?" Steve shifted onto his side and faced her. Though the room was sort of dark, he could still see the light in her eyes.

"What are we?" He repeated again. He took her hand in his and intertwined his fingers with hers. "I know that I feel happy when I'm with you. That you always make me smile even when the world may be ending." Clara laughed softly as he continued. "And I know that when I'm with you I feel something I haven't felt in such a long time."

Clara couldn't help but smile as she teased him. "Are you trying to tell me something Steve." Her voice was quiet, almost as if it were any louder she would scare him away. He leaned in and kissed her, his soft lips hitting hers for the third time. The feeling didn't get old for Clara as she placed her hands around his neck and pulled him closer.

"I love you Clarissa Stark," he said. Clara wanted to roll her eye at the use of her full name, but she decided it wasn't worth it. She smiled back at him before pecking him swiftly one last time.

"I love you Steve Rogers."


Clara and Steve had to go their separate ways later in the day and didn't see each other before it was already night. The brunette tossed and turned in her bed as she tried to sleep, but all she could see was Pietro. She didn't know him well yet he still gave his life to save her's and that child's. She had finally given up and went to the kitchen and got some water. When she  turned around to go back to her room, she noticed Wanda quickly turn around in the doorway.

"Hey Wanda," she started as she followed behind her. Wanda ignored her as she stormed back towards her room. "Wanda." She said again. Wanda turned to face her, the look of death in her eyes, as she lifted her hands and pushed Clara backwards. Clara gasped as her back hit the floor, her glass of water spilling on the wooden floor. She could say she was surprised at Wanda's reaction.

"I hate you!" She hissed like she was a monster, though Clara could see her eyes were red and puffy. "Stay away from me!" She growled, raising her hands to use her powers again and made Clara raised her arms in defense. She lowered hers arms and stormed back towards her room. "I don't want your pity." She mumbled.

Clara got back up, before going to the living area where Steve sat with Sam, talking about something. Steve straightened up when he saw Clara enter and Sam stopped talking. "What's up?" She asked.

Sam and Steve looked at each other before Steve just shook his head. "Nothing really." Steve said as Clara sat beside him. She gave them a confused look, knowing they were hiding something from her.

"Just talking about...sports." Sam said.

"Yeah...sports..." Steve tried to cover up. Clara nodded her head and chuckled, putting her head on his shoulder as Steve and Sam tried to start up another conversation. She knew something was going on, but she knew whatever is was wasn't her business or else they wouldn't have tried to cover it up.

The Man My Father Always Talked About • A CAPTAIN AMERICA STORYWhere stories live. Discover now