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It's funny how one day you can wake up and have a normal life and the next day you can wake up only to fight and army of aliens sent by a titan who wants to correct the universe. How you can finally see the face you've been waiting and yearning to see for years only to lose them in battle the next time you look over your shoulder. Clara's mind was in a million different places. Were her and Steve fine? Did she really forgive him? Was Tony alright? Did he and Peter save Strange and if so, are they on their way back to earth? If not, have they gotten any help? Was Wanda and Vision alright? Did Thanos have anymore stones? The list grew and grew as she waited for the battle to start.

As soon as they yelled, Clara ignited her helmet and she charged into battle beside Steve. As she was approaching the first alien, she fired up into the air and began to shoot the monsters from above. Alongside Rhodey, they killed the aliens around the barrier, trying to lesson the number entering Wakanda. She landed a few feet in front of Steve and noticed a herd heading straight towards him. "Steve!" She called out. He turned to her after he was done killing an alien. "Shield!" She instructed. He understood what she was saying and covered himself with one of his shields. Clara formed one of her blasters and shot a beam at his shield. The reaction bounced off the shield and reflected at the bodies of the aliens, killing all that were around. She shot up into the sky, shooting the aliens from above.

"Might want to move Clara." Rhodey told her as he flew next to her. Clara flew away as he dropped a bunch of bombs by the border to lower the amount of oncoming aliens. She started to notice Steve struggling before she flew down to him. He held off a couple of aliens while Clara formed a sword. She stabbed at them, taking them down one by one before lending her hand to Steve.

"There's way to many of them." Steve said as Clara retracted her helmet to catch a breath of fresh air.

"I don't know how much more we can take," she said. Suddenly one of the aliens jumped at her, pinning her down.

"Clara!" She heard Steve call her name as her head hit the ground roughly. She tried to form her helmet again, by the monsters kept clawing at her. The same happened to Steve. Dozens of them started biting at her armor, trying to tear it away. Her suit tried to repair itself as she held off as many as she could with Steve's grunts of pain echoing through her mind. She closed her eyes tightly, feeling blood drip from her head at the impact. One clawed at her face, but she quickly caught the arm and held it back. Suddenly they all stopped after a loud explosion like sound erupted through the battlefield. The monsters around her were blasted off of her by lighting, making Clara look up to the blinding light. She wiped her bloodied lip as she watched the bright light die down to reveal Thor and two more of his friends.

"You guys are so screwed now!" Clara could hear Bruce yell in the distance.

"Hell yeah," Clara whispered to herself with a relieved smile on her pale lips. Her friend wasn't dead after all.

The god stood with lightning in his eyes as he stared down Thanos' army. "Bring me Thanos!" He yelled, his voice echoing through the battlefield. He shot himself up into the air as lightning erupted from his new weapon, killing anything in his sight. Clara was shocked at the god as lightning shot everywhere, from his axe to his eyes, he smashed his new weapon down onto the ground and decimated the space creatures with lightning.

Clara and Steve stood up and caught their breath. Clara scrunched her face at the sight before looking to Steve. "Did you know he could do that?" She pointed weakly at the sight as the lightning began to die down.

"Not at all." Steve replied. His eyes widened before he instinctively reached his hand out to cup Clara face. "You're bleeding."

Clara hissed at the sudden pressure over her injury. Steve pulled his hand back, knowing it was stupid to do that in the first place. "I'm fine," Clara waved off. "''Tis but a flesh wound." Steve still looked at her with worried eyes. "It's a...it's a movie reference."

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