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     Steve climbed over a bit of debris before he stuck his hand out to help Clara over it. Clara held the scepter with one hand as she took Steve's hand in hers to help her over the debris. "So what if it's a girl?" She asked, a small smile on her lips as she imagined Steve and her future child.

"I always liked the name Abigail. Or maybe Charlotte." Steve answered.

"I like Charlotte." Clara said. "Or maybe Sarah, after your mother."

"What if it's a boy?"

"I always like the name James," Clara suggested.

"James as in James Rhodes or as in James Barnes?" Steve asked, a smile tugging at his lips as he thought of his friend.

"We'll just cross that road when we get there," Clara answered, sighing in relief as she hopped over another piece of rubble. "Did we seriously mess New York up this bad?" She said with a hint of sorrow in her voice. She knew that her and the Avengers have done their share of destroying cities for the greater good, but the sight still made her feel guilty. Steve just gave her a look as his answer, a look of sorrow and guilt.

Soon enough they came across a beaten up car that Tony and Scott were sitting in. From the looks of it, Tony looked pissed off. Clara and Steve shared a look of confusion and annoyance as they approached her brother.
"Cap..." Scott said as they approached them.

"Sorry, buddy. We got a problem," Tony signed. "I had it, then it just disappeared."

"Disappeared?" Clara asked in an annoyed tone. "Was this before or after you gave yourself a heart attack?"

"Giving myself a heart attack gave me the chance to get the tesseract away from Shield. And it worked!" Tony defended.

"Well apparently it didn't," Clara crossed her arms.

"It did before I was knocked out by the freaking Hulk," Tony said, his voice raising in annoyance.

"Well, what are we gonna do now?" Steve asked, clearly pissed off at the situation and Tony's mess up.

Tony threw his arm down and looked at Steve in annoyance. "You know what, give me a break, Steve," he said. "I just got hit in the head with a Hulk."

"You had one job Tony. One job!" Clara said angrily as she pointed a finger at her brother.
"You said that we had one shot. This, this was our shot."

"We shot it. It's shot. Six stones or nothing. Six stones or nothing." Scott said, annoyed like a child.

"You're repeating yourself, you know that? You're repeating yourself," Scott repeated as he shot a glare at Scott.

"You're repeating yourself. You're repeating yourself." Scott stomped his feet like a two year old. "You never wanted a time heist, you went on board with the time heist..."

"I dropped the ball," Tony said.

"You ruined the time heist." Clara added, still angry and annoyed at her brother's failure. She understood that he made a mistake, but the lives of billions rested on their shoulders and they needed everything to go exactly as planned.

"Is that what I did?" Tony asked, throwing his arms down as he waited for his sister's answer. "Did I do that? Because I didn't know I screwed up the time heist. Maybe you can yell at me again that I screwed up the time heist." Tony's voice gradually got louder as he tried to tell his sister off.

"Am I really having this conversation with three year olds?" Clara asked, putting her hands on her hips as she scolded Tony and Scott.

"Are there any other options with the Tesseract?" Steve asked, trying to calm everyone down and fix the problem.

The Man My Father Always Talked About • A CAPTAIN AMERICA STORYWhere stories live. Discover now