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     The next morning arrived and the Avengers slowly but surly woke up to start their day. Natasha sat across from Wanda and Sam as she ate a bowl of cereal. Their heads turned towards the front door when they heard it open.

"Never were one for knocking were you Stark?" Natasha asked.

"It is my building Romanoff," Tony replied, a small smirk on his face. "Have any of you seen Clar?"

"Well, she did go on a date with Rogers last night." Natasha answered with a smug face

"Very funny. I've been trying to call her all day but she hasn't picked up." Tony said, looking down the hallway to see if she had by chance woken up since he first arrived. "Did she ever come home last night?"

"I thought I heard them come back," Wanda said, looking at Sam.

"Yeah, it wasn't too late," Sam agreed.

"She never was one to hold her alcohol," Tony frowned. He pardoned himself before making his way to her room. "Alright Clara, the cure to hangover is a greasy burger and sunlight, not sleeping in until...." he started as he opened her door. He froze, his big brother instincts kicking in as he saw his best friend and his sister sleeping together. Now, of course Tony knew his sister was an adult and she could date whoever, but the sight caught him off guard. Clara's eyes slowly blinked open while Steve took a few seconds. "What the hell?!"

The blond and brunette looked at each other in confusion for a second before remembering the night before. Clara turned to see Tony absolutely furious before she held her hand up in defense. "Tony, it's not what you think!" Clara defended, only Tony wasn't listening at the time.

"I'll kill you Rogers!" Steve jumped out of bed and Tony lunged at him.

"Tony!" Clara exclaimed. Steve glanced back at Tony before seeing him run towards him again. He ran down the hallway with Tony on his tail while Clara quickly got up for her bed and chased after them.

"Get your ass over here!" Tony yelled out, making Steve look back before running faster. He made it to the kitchen, where Natasha still sat eating her breakfast like nothing had happened. Sam jumped up from his seat at the sound of yelling and Wanda threw her fists up in defense. They steadied themselves when they realized that it was only Steve and Tony. Steve was cornered as Tony ran through the doorway. He put his arms out to defend himself since his shield was in another room.

"Tony, I know what it looked like, but that wasn't it!" Steve tried to defend as Clara finally caught up with them.

"Don't tell me to calm down! You slept with my sister!"

"Thank you Tony for announcing it to the whole world!" Clara yelled at him, but Tony ignored her. Natasha held her laughter as she looked down at her cereal. Tony clicked his watch, enabling his blaster. When he aimed it at Steve, Clara jumped between them so that he was aiming at her.

"Tony, for christ's sake, calm down!" Clara yelled. The little vain popping out of his forehead had left and he slowly dropped his blaster. "We went out to dinner and watched a movie. It was late and we fell asleep! There was nothing going on!"

Tony looked back and forth between to two. "So no...you know...?"

"You really think that's your business." Clara raised her eyebrow as Tony continued to glare  at her. "Nothing happened Tony." When Tony had finally calmed down, Clara slapped the back of his head. "You were going to shoot him?!"

The Man My Father Always Talked About • A CAPTAIN AMERICA STORYWhere stories live. Discover now