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So I couldn't sleep last night because of stress, exams, and the fact that I drank a cup of coffee at 9:30 pm, so I stayed up and wrote this chapter. After editing, I thought I would release it. I have literally so many ideas on how I want this book to go and I finally chose a way and am sticking with it.


     Clara handed Rocket a screwdriver as she squatted down in front of the machine. Though she still had mixed feelings about the rodent, he was able to get in the tight spaces she wasn't able to. "Make sure you..." she started, but Rocket quickly cut her off.

"Tighten it as much as I can," he mocked. "You can be really annoying you know that?"

"Wow, you don't have any filter, do you?" Clara asked, not phased that she was just insulted by the hairy creature. At least she didn't eat garbage.

"I state my mind freely," Rocket replied, and Clara chuckled softly.

"Drifting left," she heard her brother announce. "On the side there, Lebowski." She stood up from her squaring position and crossed her arms as she turned to her brother. Her eyes widened in disbelief at the figure next to him.

"Ah!" She heard a familiar voice say. "Lady Clarissa! Young Stark I have miss you." Thor didn't look like the Thor she last saw five years ago. His hair had grown longer and messier and his beard seemed to have a mind of its own. He was heavier and less muscular as Clara has always remembered him. He removed his sunglasses, revealing his bloodshot eyes as he smiled at her. She couldn't help but feel sorry for him. They had all dealt with their grief in their own ways, but Thor seemed to be effected the worst.

"Actually..." Thor caught sight of her ring and knew automatically what she was going to say.

"You and Steve! Oh, I'm so happy for you!" Thor said and pulled her into a hug. Clara scrunched her nose at the overwhelming smell of alcohol coming from her friend. She hugged him back regardless, happy to see the god."You look wonderful. And your hair, you've grown it longer."

"Well I'm not the only one who grew out my hair." She said, a sad smile on her lips. "It's been a long time Thor." She said, a hint of sympathy in her voice.

"Yes, it has." Thor said this before his face fell into a sad expression. He looked around at the facility and at the Avengers walking to and from. He had lost his real family, his mother, father, and brother. The Avengers were the only family he had left and he abandoned them.

"We've missed you," Clara said reassuringly. Thor turned his attention back on her and smiled. Clara patted his shoulder before they headed to the center of the hanger where their machine was built. They all gathered around the newly finished quantum time machine as Clint stood on the platform.

"Done!" Rocket announced as he jumped out from the machine.

"Are you ready for this?" Clara asked and Clint nodded.

"Why wouldn't I be ready." He shook hesitantly on the platform.

"Alright, Clint. We're going in three...two... one!" Bruce announced. The machine did it's job and suddenly, Clint was gone.

"Five...four...three," Clara mumbled as she tapped her foot. She fiddled with her wedding ring, a habit she had when she was nervous. It would remind her that she always had someone with her in her toughest moments. Steve crossed his arms as he glanced at her. He knew what it meant to her, what it meant to everyone, that this worked. "Two..." Everyone was on the edge of their metaphorical seat as Clara silently counted down. She looked at Bruce, his hand already over the return button. "One."

The Man My Father Always Talked About • A CAPTAIN AMERICA STORYWhere stories live. Discover now