~55~On a sunny afternoon in the early fall of 2023, Clara shifted in bed, feeling Steve's arm tighten around her. The sleeping couple's room was unlike their rooms at the compound. It was much bigger, and painted a light shade of blue. They had white furniture, that made the room look brighter and more lively. The comforter was a mix of navy, baby blue, and white. It was safe to say the couple shared a love for the color blue. With her eyes still closed as they yearned to go back to sleep, Clara smiled widely as she felt a pair of lips on her cheek. Steve's eyelashes tickled her delicate skin, making her burst out a fit of laughter. Steve chuckled before Clara shifted to face him. She put her hand on his cheek and placed her lips on his, starting the morning off with a kiss. Steve propped himself up over her as they continued their kiss.
"Good morning," he mumbled into her lips. Clara pulled apart to see Steve hovering over her, his bare arms on either side of her head.
"Good morning," Clara hummed. Somehow over the years, Clara had gotten more and more beautiful to Steve everyday. He still couldn't believe how he got to wake up every morning and call Clara his wife. They may have had their arguments, all couples do. Whether it was who forgot to pick up groceries or who left the oven light one. But by the end of their little yelling match, they remembered the tragedy that occurred and how lucky they were to have each other. By the end of day, they would have already made up and were asleep in each others arms.
The alarm clock started to beep, drawing the two out of their admiration. They both looked to see that it was already 10:45. "Did we really sleep in that long?" Steve asked as he laid back down on his side and sighed.
"Do we have to get up?" Clara groaned, not wanting to leave the comfort of her bed. The sound of pattering echoes through the hallway before a grown German Sheppard jumped up onto their bed. Steve grunted as Miles jumped on him, causing Clara to laugh as she pet the dog. Eventually, they were forced to get up. Clara shivered as Steve threw the covers off of them. She had only slept in an old shirt of his, leaving her bare legs to be hit with the cold air. Steve smiled smugly to himself before he tossed her a pair of sweatpants. Clara walked around the house in Steve's old shirt, sweatpants, and a pair of socks, knowing she was off for the day and wouldn't have to change. She cooked Steve breakfast, when he wasn't busy tickling her sides and kissing her neck. She was finally able to stop laughing enough to take the eggs off the stove before they burned.
Since Steve's support group was later that day, and Clara was home from work, they spent the day relaxing. Steve and her watched a movie before he decided he wanted to work on his latest piece of art. Clara read her book on the couch, sipping on hot tea as she did so. After about and hour, she set her book down and made Steve some tea before she shuffled towards the door. She opened it slightly to see Steve sitting on the porch, pencil in hand, as he worked effortlessly on his drawing. Clara held the warm tea in her hands as she admired him from afar. Even though she was the happiest she had been in a long time, she couldn't help but feel she was missing something. The quiet and secluded house would seem more lively if there were more people running around.
Steve and Clara had discussed having children, but they never got far. Whenever the subject would be brought up, it was quickly changed. They knew how they both felt. Even though the titan was dead, they both feared that the monster under the child's bed may be real. They weren't ready to bring a child into a world where a bigger threat was imminent.
Steve caught his wife staring at him and fake coughed to get her attention. Clara shook her head out of her daydream and brought Steve his tea before sitting with him as he finished his work. The time came when Steve had to get out of his pajama bottoms and comfortable shirt and get ready for his weekly support group. Clara kissed him goodbye before entering the now empty house.

The Man My Father Always Talked About • A CAPTAIN AMERICA STORY
Fanfiction✨When her eyes met his, she realized he was no longer just her world, he was her entire universe✨ A story of two lovers brought together when the world decided to fall apart 5/6/19- 1 in #rdj 9/7/19- 1 in #civilwar 4//4...