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     Everyone was finishing loading up the jet as Clara rummaged through her room, trying to find her old leather jacket. As she reached to the top of her closet, she grabbed an old cardboard box before setting it down on the floor. She opened it, automatically being transported back to the good old days.

The first thing in the box was a picture of the seven of them from a newspaper clipping back when they saved New York. Under it was her first prototype blaster, completely outdated from the iron bracelet that she had now. The thigh holster that Natasha gave her was next along with her leather jacket. She held the cool material in her hands, rubbing her fingers delicately over the letter A stitched into the sleeve before putting it on. She hadn't worn that jacket in a long time. She noticed a pair of Tony's sunglasses lying at the bottom of the box along with an upside down polaroid. She picked it up and flipped it over, a small chuckle escaping her lips as she looked at the picture of her and Steve. Steve had his lips pressed to her cheek as she laughed out of joy. She tucked the picture in her jacket pocket before tucking the box away and making her way to the jet.

As she entered the common area, she realized she was alone. Her boots tapped on the wooden floor as she looked out the window, the sun shining bright on the light green grass. It was a beautiful day for the universe to be in danger. She turned around when she heard footsteps, seeing Steve standing in the doorway. There was a awkward silence, lasting a few moments before Clara coughed and stuttered out the first sentence. "I like the um....I like the beard." She tucked her hands in her pockets. "It suits you."

"Thanks." Steve smiled softly, looking down at his feet and trying to hide his awkwardness. "I was thinking of getting rid of it soon."

"Oh," Clara stuttered. "That's...cool." Clara mentally rolled her eyes at her awkward state.

"I like your hair..." He motioned to her hair. "It looks good short." He too, couldn't find the words to say to her in the moment. It had been two years since he saw her eyes, heard her laugh, kissed her lips, and all he could say to her was that he liked her hair?

"Thanks," Clara sighed and looked down again.

"Clara, I," Steve started to say, but she cut him off.

"I know what you're going to say," Clara started as she shifted on her feet. "Now's not the time to get into all of that. It can't be." Steve's shoulders slumped down slightly as he tried to keep his stoic stance. He knew what her reaction would be, but somehow he wished it were different. Footsteps interrupted the two as Sam entered the room.

"Jet's ready," he said, pointing behind him to tell them they were ready to go. He looked between the two, feeling the awkward tension from a mile away.

"On our way," Clara said, walking passed Steve and out to the jet. Steve watched as Clara made her way out of the room and he stood there alone, lost in his thoughts, before he finally followed after her.


The jet ride was mostly silent, due to the awkward tension between Steve and Clara. It wasn't until Steve gave Sam the coordinates to where they were going when it became more awkward. Clara tapped her comms and tried to communicate with her brother. "Tony?" She asked silently. She knew it was useless, that space most likely didn't have a signal, but she still tried.

"Have you heard from him?" A voice asked as they sat in front of Clara. She looked up to meet Steve's gaze as he waited for an answer.

"Not yet," Clara answered. "and I don't think I will anytime soon."

"He can take care of himself." Steve reassured and Clara nodded her head.

"Yeah," she sighed, tucking a strand of her short hair behind her ear. Steve sat down across from her, making her try to avoid eye contact at all times.

The Man My Father Always Talked About • A CAPTAIN AMERICA STORYWhere stories live. Discover now