Chapter 2

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"A... A drunk mind speaks the sober heart."

I quickly looked away, feeling my cheeks heat up. I just told him. I just told Kyle I loved him. Sure, I've told him before but I wasn't desperate, broken nor drunk this time. It was just me, (Y/n), telling him.

I swallowed before looking up at him after a while, widening my eyes. He sat there, looking at me with wide eyes and a bright red face. "Errr, K-Kyle?" I waved my hand in front of his face, causing him to flinch, looking around before quickly looking at me again. "W-Wha-" He said before he shook his head. He then leaned backwards slightly, covering his face with his hands. "God." I swallowed at his response, could it be that he was pranking me or something. This truly made me nervous.

"I-I'm sorry, I didn't know y-you were kiddi-" I was then cut of by Kyle's lips on mine. He was quick, so the kiss was one sided at first. But that soon changed. I closed my eyes, following his lips movements with mine. He then pulled away, breathing slightly heavy as he looked at me with a faint blush spread across his pale face. "I was not kidding, I really do love you..." He then looked away, blushing. "It was just that... I'm just so happy. I've never really gotten a happy ending like this you know?" He looked at me before smirking slightly, causing my cheeks to heat up. He then shook his head, letting out a small chuckle. "Hell. The girls even made a list at one time, ranking all the guys from most handsome to the most ugly... And I was placed last." He then looked down, scratching the back of his head. "And for a guy who always got called names and stuff... I-I always told myself that I didn't care." He looked up at me, flashing me a sad and defeated smile. "But I know now that I really did care..."

My eyes widen slightly and I could feel my heart sink a bit. I could feel an arrow of sadness strike my chest when the scene of when I told Kyle I was dating Craig flashed through my mind and I couldn't help but to feel sorry for him.

He looked up at me and his face reminded me of a face I hadn't seen in a long time. "Is it that I'm a jew? Is it that I'm not tough enough? Or is it my looks?"

Those last words, I hadn't given them much thought before... But does he really doubt his looks that much?-

"But that won't bother me anymore." I looked up at him with wide eyes. "Since I've got you now." He then flashed me a closed eyed smile, causing my heart to melt before the remains began racing. I opened and closed my mouth while my face only got hotter and hotter, I had to say something. I then looked down, sighing slightly in defeat.

"Gosh, I'm being pathetic. Aren't I? Telling you about my insecurity like this? " I shook my head at his words. "No, that's not pathetic at all." I then took a deep breath before glancing up at him. "I'm happy actually..." I curled the edges of my mouth upwards slightly. "I'm happy that you shared something like that with me since it means that we're getting closer." I then sighed, feeling my heart speed up at the thought that flashed through my mind.

"S-So I guess it's only fair for me to share something like that as well, right?" My gaze shifted from my hands to Kyle's now slightly shocked and confused face. "I..." I took a deep breath before swallowing, feeling a lump in my throat. "I think I should tell you about w-why I reacted the way I did when Bebe did those things... Why I didn't just simply tell you guys about what she did." My lungs suddenly begged for air, causing me to take a deep breath. And as I did I looked away from Kyle. It would be easier to talk about it if I just focused on something else, pretending like he wasn't there.

"Why I doubted that anyone would believe me... Sure, it'd only been logical for you to believe her since you'd known each other longer than we had. But I had proof..." I then closed my eyes for a brief moment, completely blocking the thought of Kyle sitting in the same room. My head was clear when I opened them again, only one thought in it what so ever. Or more like a small flashback.

"I... I guess you can say that someone betrayed me." I swallowed as the scenes quickly played through my mind, over and over again in a quick pace. I then closed my eyes, making the images clearer.

My heart then dropped slightly when I saw her.

Red, long, straight hair. Perfectly shaped eyebrows. Big and beautiful ice-blue eyes. Long and dark lashes. Plump  and natural red lips. Pearly white teeth. Fair and incredibly clear skin. A perfect body.

I sighed slightly before the scenes rewinded, making it easier for me to talk about it. I then opened my mouth, briefly telling Kyle what happened as I relived the scenes. I didn't talk about any names though... I didn't find it important at the time. 


I walked into the school building, smiling towards the people as they walked by. They didn't smile back as usual though. "I guess they're just tired" I said before shrugging, making my way towards the boy I'd just spotted. 

"Hey, Max." I said as I waved at him, causing him to snap his head towards me. And as he did his eyes widen slightly before narrowing, showing a hint of disgust. "(Y/n)..."He said, almost spitting my name out as if it was poison. 

Why is everyone being so moody today?

I shrugged the thought off my shoulders before trying to start a conversation. "So how was your weekend? I'm sorry I couldn't make it to our date this saturday but I had to-" " She told me so you don't have to bother making up a lie." I raised my eyebrows slightly as he walked away.

What was he talking about?

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