Chapter 24

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I'm dying

I'm actually dying

And no one's here

I'm alone

I've always been alone

And this time's no different

I opened my eyes, taking yet another deep breath as I slowly looked around me. My heart had began to slowly slow down, but it was still pounding. My thoughts began to quiet down, but they were still there, my lungs weren't begging for as much anymore, but they still needed more air than usual. I wasn't shaking as much anymore, but my hands couldn't be completely still.

I sat there for about ten minutes, catching my breath as I tried my best to calm down before attempting to stand up. I succeeded without falling. I looked around me once again, not really knowing why. The only thing I knew was that I was confused, worried, shaken. I don't know what it just was that I'd gone through, the only thing I knew was that I sure didn't want it to happen again.

I closed the fridge, not really feeling like getting anything to drink right now, before slowly walking to the couch. I took a seat, taking yet another deep breath. While my lungs necessarily didn't scream for air I still felt as if I had to take a deeper breath than usual once in a while. You know the feeling when you've held your breath for a long time, a really long time, and you feel as if you have to compensate for the amount of air you've missed out on for quite a while after that, and regular breaths just won't do it? That's kind of how I feel right now. I don't need to take a deep breath, but I feel as if I have to.

I lied down, hugging the pillow I wasn't resting my head on as I just stared at the black screen of the tv. It was odly quiet. Not a single voice spoke it's mind in my head, not a single thought made it's way through my blank mind. It was such a weird feeling. 15 minutes ago the voices and my head just wouldn't shut up, now they wouldn't make a single sound. It felt quite nice.

But also very eerie in a way. I didn't think about it until now, but I had a few tears slowly fall down my cheeks, one by one. I felt exhausted and I didn't know what to do. I didn't even know what I'd just gone through. I really felt as if I was going to die. I really felt as if I was all alone.

There's really something wrong with me huh?

I slowly closed my eyes, hugging the pillow even harder as the tears just kept on comming. My consciousness soon faded in an attempt to restore my lost energy. Soon I couldn't hear, see nor feel anything. I was sound asleep.

Kyle's POV

"I'm sorry guys, I really think I have to leave now, I don't want to leave (Y/n) all by herself for too long" "What do you mean? It's only been 40 minutes since she left? I'm pretty sure she can handle herself."

I glanced over at Wendy, feeling rather surprised by how bitchy she just sounded. "Are you serious right now? What the fuck do you mean by that." I said before I could contain myself. Not that I really wanted to contain any of those words, what she just said made me quite irritated. "Yeah, you treat her like a baby that needs supervision 24/7, at least you've been treating her like that ever since the day we went to the pool. Was it something she said once you got home huh?" I looked over at Vicky who looked at me with a surprised and guilty face, not really sure what to do. But I knew one thing for sure, and that was that Wendy was behaving really inappropriate right now, and it's pissing me off.

"Hey, Wendy-" Stan began, but I cut him off. "Wendy, shut up for once. You don't get to tell me how I should behave in my realtionship, especially not when you don't know (Y/n) at all." I stood up, feeling everyone's shocked eyes on me. "I-I... I didn't mean it like that. I just think what she said before about the dare was kind of hurtful towards Vic..." I swallowed, looking over at Vicky, causing our eyes to meet. "Yeah, she can come across as kind of cold when it comes to Vicky, but she's hurt... Vicky hurt her really bad..." Vicky looked away from my eyes, closing them. She was really regretting what she'd done.

"Yeah, I've heard that, but what exactly did she do? It can't be that bad, right?" I sighed, walking over to the door. "Ask Vicky, I don't feel like talking to you anymore..." I opened the door. "Hey Wendy, do me a favour and make sure not to express yourself like that when we're with (Y/n)... Even though you don't mean it... I've heard that she's sensitive towards those things, and it's not her fault." I looked back at Vicky before leaving, closing the door behind me.

I hurried home, looking down at my phone the whole time. I had a really bad feeling. It felt as if I should've come home straight away when (Y/n) left, but I don't know why. All I have to do is to make sure she's okay.

I opened the door, immediatelly feeling a slight bit of relief. But I wasn't sure (Y/n) was okay yet. "(Y/n)??" I began to walk towards the Kitchen when a small figure on the couch caught my attention, and I let out a sigh of relief. "God damn it (Y/n)." I smiled as I made my way towards the sleeping beauty. She was so cute, all peacefully snuggled up in the pillow. I moved a strand of her perfect (h/c) hair out of her face to be able to see her beautiful (s/c) skin and her resting face. I smiled until something caught my attention.

Her makeup was smudged under her eye and her nose and the area under her eyes were red, she'd been crying... And it looked like she'd been crying a lot. Not only that, her breaths were whimper-like and she was shaking slightly. She didn't look peaceful at all, she looked like she was suffering, all alone.

"H-Hey... Don't worry (Y/n)." I pulled the sleeping girl into a hug, making sure not to disturb her sleep. "I'm here, and I won't leave you until you tell me to leave. I love you." I felt the girl immediately relax in my arms.

God I really love this girl.

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