Chapter 5

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I then shifted my attention to the three of them once again before looking down, sighing. I then looked up at them, smiling.

"You have no idea how happy I am to hear those words."


I ripped a away a small piece of my overgrown fingernail before looking at the classroom door once again. Vicky's class should be finished any minute now, and when she walks out of that door I can ask her if it's true. I smiled, shaking my head slightly. 

But it's not like I have to ask her, I know she wouldn't spread such lies about me. We've been best friends since we were in kindergarten!

I flinched slightly when the door opened, causing students to pour out of the classroom. My face lit up when I saw the redhead walking out of the classroom while talking to a group of students.

"Hi, Vicky!" I said while flashing a quick close-eyed smile. But when I opened my eyes my smile dropped. Vicky and the other students were looking at me like everyone'd done this morning. 

"(Y/n)?" Vicky then said as her blue eyes darted from me to the other students and then back to me again. "Could I talk to you?" I then said, scratching the upper part of my arm as I took a deep breath. 

I didn't feel as confident about Vicky not saying those things anymore.

"Err, sure." She said before looking at the other students, laughing as if they were mocking me. We both then made our way away from the group of people, to a place where we could talk without anyone hearing us. I wanted to hear what she had to say without feeling the need to impress anyone.

"What is it?" She said, raising one of her eyebrows. I then shook my head,  spreading a huge smile across my face. "T-There was some students on the toilet who said something weird. They said that you told everyone that I was cheating on Max with some dude." I didn't even have to wait a single second before she quickly answered. "That's a lie." She said and I could feel my heart stop slightly before I let out a huge sigh of relief. 

"Of course it is, I knew you wouldn't say those things. Now, who would say those things about their best friend-"

"What? No." She said as she massaged the bridge of her nose with a smile across those painted lips of hers. "Of course it was me who came up with that story, but I didn't tell everyone." She then said as she narrowed her eyes and continued to smile.

My heart just sunk at her words. My best friend since kindergarten had just betrayed me. "B-But why?" I said as I looked down, closing my eyes tight to try and hold the tears back. "Because (Y/n)." She said as she took a step closer to me.

"We aren't friends, we never were."

End of flashback

The guys had been talking for about half an hour now and I had been in my own world, thinking about that awful memory the whole time. 

"But what do you think (Y/n)?" My eyes widen as I snapped my head towards Cartman. "Err, what?" I glanced around the room and Cartman, Kenny and I were the only ones in it. Kyle and Stan must've left. "Yeah, what do you think? Yes or no?" I swallowed slightly before letting out a small "Yes?" Only for Kenny to point at Cartman and say "Told yah!" 

"What's going on?" I looked back at Kyle and Stan who were standing at the end of the stairs, looking as curious as I was feeling. "Kenny was talking about how he thought he could get any girl in bed in one hour, so we asked (Y/n) what she thought and she agreed with him" Cartman said and I just snapped my head towards him before looking back at Kyle with wide eyes. "I-I didn't know what they said s-so I just guessed w-what to answer. I-I really d-d-id-" I then stopped when I could feel an arm creep around my waist before I was pulled into a tight embrace. I widened my eyes and looked up to see  that Kenny was the one embracing me. 

"No need to feel embarrassed, just act as casual as you did when you agreed with me." I then shifted my attention over to Kyle as I began to try to push Kenny away, only for his grip to tighten. Kyle was visibly jealous, and I didn't blame him. Kenny was quite clingy at times.

"Anyhow, Kyle." Kyle turned his head towards Stan as he began to talk. "It's getting quite late so how about the three of us spend the night" Kenny then began to talk before Kyle could answer. "That's a great idea. And I should share the bed with (Y/n) since she agreed on me being able to get any girl in bed."  Kyle then snapped his head towards us, he was really angry.

"Okay Kenny, we might be friends but as if I'd let you share bed with (Y/n), I'm the one who's going to be sharing with her you dipshit"

Cartman then turned his full attention towards what Kyle just said. "And why are you the one who's going to be sharing with her?" he then said before standing up, walking over to Kyle. "It's as if you're telling Kenny (Y/n)'s your girlfriend." Cartman then said with the smuggest smirk spread across his lips, as if he'd just found out Kyle's biggest secret.

Kenny and Stan then began to laugh. "Omg Cartman, you should've seen the smug look on your face." Stan said before laughing for a few moments before continuing. "It's obvious, Kenny and I figured it out as soon as we got here so we made up a small plan to trick you because we knew that you would act as if you'd just exposed Kyle or something." "You are quite self-centered after all..." Kenny then quietly muttered under his breath.

Cartman then turned around, looking at Kenny with wide eyes. "How can you say such a thing, I wasn't thinking anything like that I was just-" Kyle then cut him off with a loud sigh which caused Cartman to turn around. "You can't lie for shit Cartman, and you know that." Cartman then sighed slightly before turning around, pinching the bridge of his nose.

"If you'd just kept your jewish mouth shut."

// Soo, I made an instagram page. I'll post a few updates and other stuff on it but I've post a picture of a small summary of what I'll post on there. Just wanted to let you guys know. It's called : Notelesswriter 

If anyone wants to check it out, but anyhow.

Hope you liked this update.

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