Chapter 10

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"Yeah, I promise that I'll talk to you but-" I took a deep breath before sighing. "N-No it's nothing, I'll just be more open I promise..." I then waved goodbye before hurrying into the house.

Time skip

I wiped the nape of my neck with the towel, completely lost in my thoughts. I was pulled back to reality when I heard knocking coming from outside of the bathroom. "Wait a sec!" I sighed, wrapping my damp body with the towel before exiting. I could hear Kyle rushing into the bathroom as soon as I walked through Ike's door, which made me chuckle slightly.

I walked over to the wardrobe, taking out a grey pair of shorts and a black long sleeve shirt. I then put them on, finishing just before a light knock was heard from the other side of the door. "(Y/n)? Can I-" Before he could finish I opened the door for him to enter. "W-What is it?" He just walked into the room slowly while having a faint blush spread across his cheeks. "Well... I-I was just- I felt a bit lonely when I laid alone in my bed so-" he looked at me with those green eyes, and I couldn't refuse- Not that I planned on refusing in the first place.

As I laid in bed, I found that the only thing I could manage to think about was Vicky. While she was being friendly I just couldn't trust that it wasn't all an act. The way she said that they shouldn't look at me, and that she "hurt me really bad". Isn't it weird that she only said that she hurt me, not what she did, while faking that pained look in her face? It's like she wanted them to-

"What's wrong?" I flinched slightly, looking at Kyle with slightly widen eyes. "I..."

Surely Kyle would've noticed, he knew about her after all. "N-Nothing, it's just that..." I looked over at Kyle, who was laying next to me. He was laying on the side, having his arm supporting his head as he just looked at me.

"D-Don't judge me if I sound paranoid b-but..." I looked away from Kyle, sighing. "I don't trust Vicky. Not at all, everything she did just seemed so... Planned and fake." He didn't say anything, which gave me a slight feeling of anxiety.

"W-Well, I'm not quite sure what the history between you two is, but I'm sure that you're not being paranoid." I snapped my head towards him. "You're not sure about the histo- Kyle, Did you even listen to me when I told you about my past?" He narrowed his eyebrows slightly. "Of course I did, what do you think of m-" "-then how can you lay there and say that you're not sure about our history." 

The adrenaline following the shock of her showing up suddenly hit, and I became really irritated for some reason...  And Kyle just happened to be in the right spot, saying the right things for me to take my anger out on him.

"What do you mean? You've never told me anything about that Vicky girl? How am I supposed to-" "-That was the only thing I told you about." I let out a sigh as I formed Italian signs with my hands for half a second. "Just get out, I really can't handle this after Vicky just reappeared in my life." I heard Kyle mutter a small "I'm sorry?" Before exiting the room. I just turned around, facepalming slightly before taking a deep breath and falling asleep.


I slowly walked into the school, feeling all eyes on me once again. It'd been two days since Vicky'd spread that rumor about me, and a lot happened in the following 48 hours. Everyone was looking at me weird, as if they always tried to find something new to judge. It felt as if I had eyes following me everywhere, even when I was at home. 

And my former friends treated me as air. They were quick when it came to abandoning me to keep their own reputation clean, so I guess they couldn't even be called friends huh?

I closed the locker door, hearing laughing coming from my left. I knew who it was, and I knew it'd hurt if I looked, but I did. Vicky stood there with her back leaning against the wall as Max held his hands on the wall, trapping her between his arms. 

These kind of things made me sick. They said that we were friends, inseparable, close and that they loved me, but how easy was it for them to move on without even hearing me out? 

I'd also learnt that the most effective way to deal with these things was to ignore everyone and the constant negative feelings I'd gotten. But there was this... Voice I just managed to ignore, but one misstep and I'd break.

I sighed, walking by them without looking at them, apparently gaining their attention by doing so.

"Hey Max, do you smell that? Smells like a dog."

"How disgusting, who let a bitch into the school?" 

A few students began to laugh, taking the opportunity to mock me some more.

It'd never hit me before, but everyone was against me.

No one was siding with me.

All this for a rumor.

I really don't have any friends.

I never had.

They were never your friends.

End of flashback

 I woke up, breathing while hiccupping slightly. A shadow in the corner of my eye then caught my attention, so I looked. It was Kyle kneeling down at the side of the bed, looking at me with a concerned look painted across his face. "(Y/n), You okay?" I sat up, still struggling with breathing normally. "Y-Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" I smiled, and just now did I notice that I was crying. My cheeks were swollen as well, so I guess I'd been crying in my sleep. "L-Look, about yesterday. I'm sorry for being narrowminded and not thinking straight, I should've known that Vicky was the girl that you told me about." I swallowed slightly, wiping away the tears.

"S-So please don't distance yourself from me, tell me what's wrong ." 

// I was going to write an apology for taking a while to upload this chapter, but I have enough of those already, and my excuses are about the same soo... 

Hope you enjoyed this chapter anyways.

(She attacc... She most definitely attacc. But most importantly, she stab you in the bacc)//

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