Chapter 21

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But the next sentence I heard made my heart drop, I was right... "Alright, I trust you Vicky."

I backed away from the door slightly, stumbling on the carpet as I did. I wasn't prepared on the sudden rim, so it caused me to fall onto my butt. Apparently I made quite the noise when I fell, because Kyle soon stood in front of me with a slightly worried, slightly amused expression covering his freckled face. "(Y/n)? What happened? You okay?" I nodded, feeling my cheeks heat up at the scene. My heart also reacted when seeing him, it ached slightly. I should ask him about what I just heard.

"I heard you talking just now, who was that?" I caught him by surprise, because his eyes widen and I could see how he thought about a lie so that I wouldn't suspect anything. It was just a matter of time until he would say any of the excuses-

"Oh, it was Vicky." My eyes widen and my heart skipped a beat. Why would he say her name. Wasn't she planning on plotting against me? Had I really miss judged her this badly?

"What? Why'd you talk to her?" He just shook his head, smiling. "I'm sorry (Y/n), I don't want to keep anything from you but I can't tell you yet."

I sighed, curling the edges of my mouth upwards, into a smile. Of course, it's Vicky we're talking about. She's a master at manipulating people. And here I am, actually for a moment thinking she's changed. I'm just like everyone else. I'm just a easy target, not a friend. She never thought of me as one. And Kyle doesn't believe me. I was stupid. I always am. They always trust the pretty one. Vicky is pretty, Vicky is gorgeous. I'm just me. 

I could feel my hands start to shake as my gaze began to blur slightly.

Does this mean that Kyle never, not even once, loved m-

"-/n)? (Y/N)! Hey!" I blinked a few times, shifting my attention to the panic filled face before me. Kyle's eyes were wide and his breathing was quicker than usual. His hands were on my shoulders and he was staring right at my face. "D-Don't get the wrong idea. I'm just talking to Vicky, there's nothing I'm trying to hide. She was just telling me about your relationship before you moved here. She told me the exact same story you did, but from her point of view." I swallowed, looking down. "Of course she did, she had no choice. She knows that I've told you the truth, so there's no way she can twist it into her own truth. She'll find a way though, she always does." Kyle swallowed as well before pulling me into a hug. "(Y/n), I can't imagine what it was like to be betrayed like that, and I'm not going to do anything you're not comfortable with me doing. I'll completely cut ties with her. I'm sorry. She just said something yesterday that-..." He paused, sighing before speaking again. "I'll tell her that I don't want to listen to her." He let go of me, turning around to disappear into his room. I quickly grabbed his shirt, sighing.

"Kyle, what did she tell you?" His whole body tensed up, completely freezing on the spot. I sighed once again. "You don't have to cut ties with her completely, but don't fall for her lies when she's trying to manipulate you. I don't want to lose you as well." I took a step closer to him, pulling him into a hug from behind. "I love you Kyle, and I want to trust you without having any kind of doubts. But Vicky's making that harder right now, she turned everyone I loved against me one time, and she can do it again at any moment..."

My vision went blurry as tears filled my eyes. Max's face appeared in my head as well as the sentences Max'd been saying after hearing Vicky's lies. She'd made him do a complete 360, and I didn't want Kyle to do the same. Just imagining it made my heart shatter slightly. And if that were to happen... I don't know what I would do. I can't imagine how much it would hurt to have Kyle abandoning me. I can't imagine how much it would hurt to lose Kyle.

I love him too much.

He turned around, pulling me into a hug before sighing. "(Y/n)... Stop saying stuff like that. I would never leave you. I love you. I love everything about you. Just stop doubting yourself, you're literally perfect, and everyone who left you were too stupid to see that." A small sigh mixed with a whimper escape my lips. I was happy that Kyle said those things, but I couldn't help but to doubt everyone who were associated with Vicky, even if they were just the slightest associated with her. She was a bitch once, what would've made her change her mindset?

Time skip

"Kyle! Take those jewish fucking lips and SUCK MY DICK!" 

My eyes widen at Cartman's sentence. Wendy, Vicky, Kyle, the other three guys and I were currently at Stan's house, playing guitar hero. Kyle had just played a game against Cartman... And they were at two completely different levels. Cartman was good, but Kyle was a god at the game. He and Stan were bragging about how they'd reached 1 million points at one time, but Cartman and Kyle just called them both fags everytime they mentioned it.

"Hey, Vic, let's play a game!" Kenny was sitting next to Vicky in Stan's sofa, eagerly asking Vicky to play against him. "Oh, I don't know. I'm not good at games, and you're all really good... I don't think so. Play against Stan or someone else." She smiled awkwardly as Kenny just sighed, slumping back onto the sofa. 

"We're not all good at games, sure, I, Stan, Wendy, Cartman and Kenny are." Kyle smiled, taking the guitar strap off his shoulder. He then looked at me, smirking as I shook my head. "No, Kyle, stop it. That isn't even fair." I held both of my hands up, waving them in disapproval. 

"(Y/n), suck at guitar hero, there's no way you'd be able to lose against her." I could feel my cheeks heat up, sure, everyone knew that I sucked at guitar hero, but the way Kyle said it made me feel bad. 

What was his motive? 

To embarrass me?

"Alright, let's make this interesting. If Vicky wins, (Y/n) has to go shopping with Vic, carrying all of her bags. If (Y/n) wins, the opposite applies." Wendy said, smiling as all of the guys just looked at one another in disappointment. The bet wasn't really that exciting... And even if I won it still wouldn't be a win. I'd have to spend the whole day with Vicky...

"Fuck that weak ass bet, if Vic wins she'll give (Y/n) a dare, if (Y/n) wins she'll give Vic a dare. How about that? A bit more exciting huh?" Kenny said, smirking as the guys nodded and Wendy began to sulk. 

"Oh, Kenny... I don't think I want to play against (Y/n)... I don't want to-" I furrowed my eyebrows, looking at Vic with a disapproving expression. What was this bitch doing? Trying to pity me because of a god damn game? 

"Sure, I'll play against Vic, and I'll win." I stood up, grabbing the guitar out of Kyle's hand before quickly strapping myself up. 


"No, don't be like that. We're going to play guitar hero and I won't go easy on you." I don't know where all this confidence was coming from, but I really shouldn't be this confident. I fucking suck at guitar hero.

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