Chapter 3

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What was he talking about?

I blinked a few times before looking to the left, causing all the students to look away from me. "What?" I then looked to the right, and the same thing happened. "Why are you looking at me?" I swallowed before shaking my head, spreading a big smile across my face. I then made my way to the lesson, sitting down.

I tried to focus on what the teacher was saying, but I couldn't help to hear whispering behind me. 

"Isn't that (Y/n)?" 

"Yeah, I think so. But why is she in school?"

"I don't know..."

"Do you think what they say is true?" 

"Yeah, she might not seem like that kind of a person but why would Vicky, her best friend, say that if it weren't the truth?" 

I cleared my throat before standing up. " Excuse me. I'm not feeling very well." I said before walking out of the classroom. 

What did Vicky say about me? 

I shrugged as I walked into the girls bathroom, splashing some water in my face. I then flinched as the door opened. "Did you hear what Vicky said about (Y/n)?" I flinched again before quickly walking into a stall, locking the door. I know I shouldn't be eavesdropping, but I have to know what Vicky's been saying about me. 

"No, what'd she say?"

"She said that (Y/n) spent this weekend with a guy."

"No way, how'd she find that out?"

"Apparently (Y/n) accidentally texted her, asking when she'd come over agai-"

"Yeah, so what?"

"Hey, let me finish. And Vicky asked her what she meant, so (Y/n) began talking about how she really missed him and how she missed the feeling of his arms around her."

I raised my eyebrows, what were they talking about. I spent the weekend helping dad paint our house?

Why would I spend the weekend with a guy when I'm dating Max right now. 

And why would Vicky say such things?

I shook my head slightly, smiling. Vicky can't be the one behind all of this, it can't be her. We've been best friends for so long... 

I then walked out of the stall, causing the girls to look at me with wide eyes. But I didn't care about that, I had to talk with Vicky so that I'd know for sure that it wasn't her.

End of flashback

I flinched when my phone buzzed, cutting my flashback off. I then sighed before grabbing it, sighing once again when I saw that it was just a spam e-mail. I then swallowed as I remembered, Kyle was in the room. I looked up at him, licking my lips before parting them. "I-" My eyes widen as my stomach growled, causing Kyle's before unreadable face to lighten up.

"Let's get started with some breakfast." He said before standing up, leaving me all alone in the room. I took the opportunity to write a quick response to Wendy.

Me- It's okay, anyone would've reacted the same way. 

I swallowed quickly before typing another text.

Me- And it's partly my fault for not saying anything about what she did.

My stomach then growled again, catching me slightly off guard. "I better eat something..." I said before hurrying down into the kitchen. My eyes widen slightly as I walked into the room. Just as I stepped into the room a mouthwatering scent filled my nose. 

"I hope you like pancakes." Kyle said as he turned his head towards me, smiling slightly. I let out a small "Y-Yeah.." before walking over to the table, sitting down. I then waited a few minutes before Kyle walked over to the table with two plates in his hands, setting one of them down in front of me. We both then began eating in silence, but not an awkward one. It was quite relaxing actually.

  Kyle took care of the dishes when we were done while I just sat there, playing games on my phone. My eyebrows raised slightly when I got a notification from Coonstagram about being tagged in something. I opened it and I could feel my cheeks heat up. Someone'd tagged me in a post of me dancing on a table. 

"Gosh, I-I don't remember this at all..." 

I then scrolled down, seeing more posts of me. One of them was a video of me throwing a cup at Cartman before waving at Kyle. A post of me screaming like a three year old then came up. 


"What are you talking about?"


I sighed, cringing slightly as I scrolled down some more. I tilted my head slightly when a video with the thumbnail of Kyle holding me in his arms came up. I swallowed as the video started playing.

"I think it's time for me and (Y/n) to go. I don't think she likes it here, and I should take care of my girl after all."

I turned the phone off quickly, covering my face in my hands. K-Kyle said that. And in front of everyone. I couldn't help but to blush like crazy. 

"I-I didn't know they filmed that..." I removed my hands, looking at Kyle in confusion before blushing even more. I'd been looking at the posts without having headphones on, so he heard everything. "I r-really didn't know. I'm s-sorry if I embarrassed y-" I tilted my head slightly while smirking, still blushing though. "Calm down, I didn't blush because I thought you were embarrassing..." I smiled slightly. 

"I was blushing because I was happy."

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