Chapter 13

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"Oh god dammit- Kyle wait!" I stood up, running after Kyle as I heard Vicky behind me. "Oh jeez, no. They were dating? If I knew I wouldn't have brought that up." I just clenched my fist as I sped up even more.

I let out a huge sigh when I'd finally caught up with him. "H-Hey. Wait up." I said as I bent down slightly, putting my hands on my knees as I tried to catch my breath. I wasn't really athletic nor fit, and Kyle was walking down the corridors in super sonic speed. "L-Look, what she said. S-She knew, and that's why-" "-I'm sorry..." I widened my eyes slightly, looking up at him, I then looked down since I really have to breathe. And I couldn't do both for some unknown reason.

"That was pathetic, and I knew that as soon as I turned around to leave. But I just couldn't bring myself to turn around nor stop, I was embarrassed." He turned around, revealing a dark-red face. "I'm not used to feeling like this, I felt really jealous you know." I just grinned slightly before walking over to him, pulling him into a tight hug. "Don't feel that way. I'm actually glad that you're jealous" I pulled away, looking up, causing our eyes to meet. "It just shows that you take this relationship seriously."

Time skip

I let out a huge sigh before nodding towards Nichole. "We'll definitely win this match." I then said before punching the ball over the net.

We were playing volleyball and my team consisted of me, Nichole, Red, Tweek, Token and Craig. And yes, we were able to choose our own team. But we were seven players in the team Kyle and I chose at the beginning, and there were only five in this team so I sacrificed myself since no one else was going to.

I let out a small yes as the other team completely f-ed up for the 25th time, causing us to win. "Hey Tweek, good job." I said after turning towards him, gaining a smile back.

Things were really looking up for me right now, I was finally happy. I've got a lot of friends, people don't judge me by some made up lie and I'm in a relationship with the guy I love. Things can only go south from this very moment.


I turned towards the scream coming from another volleyball court. The screaming came from none other than Vicky. She was kneeling down next to Kyle who was sitting on the floor, holding his head. I quickly made my way over to them, kneeling down on the opposite side of where Vicky was. "Hey, Kyle. Are you okay? What happened?" I said, causing Kyle to turn his head towards me. "It's really nothing, Vicky just hit the ball right in my face but I'm 70 percent sure it was an accident." I took a quick glance at Vicky, trying to read her but it was impossible as usual.

"Whatever. Kyle here, take my hand so I can help you to the nurs-" "No, (Y/n). Let me help him. I feel really bad about what I said earlier, and now this." I looked at her for a solid thirty seconds, scanning her face. I then shook my head slightly, grabbing Kyle's arm before helping him stand up. "You're as good at acting as usual Vicky, it's good to see that you haven't changed one single bit." I then began walking towards the door with Kyle's arm around my neck.

"(Y-Y/n), I'm really not lying about feeling sorry about that. I'm really sorry." I felt her pulling Kyle towards herself, I just looked back at her with a straight face. She wanted me to snap, she wanted everyone to dislike me, she wanted to steal Kyle. 

But I've already been through that, twice. 

"Vicky. Let go. Kyle's my boyfriend, I'll take him to the nurse." Vicky's eyes widen slightly before flashing me a quick yet visible grin. "Okay (Y/n), I'm really sorry Kyle."

Small time skip

I sighed as I checked the last cabinet, not finding anything that could help Kyle with his headache. "Sorry, I can't find anything." I then took a seat next to him in the sofa, only for him to chuckle slightly. "What's so funny?" I looked at him, waiting for his answer. 

"I didn't know that you had a possessive side." I just looked away, blushing slightly. "N-No I don't, she was just being to clingy." I then looked down slightly. " And I don't want to lose you again..." I could feel my mouth curl into a smile when I felt Kyle's arms sneaking around me, pulling me into a tight embrace. 

"You don't have to worry about that, I won't leave you. Even if you don't want me by your side." I then shook my head, turning to face him. "Don't say cheesy things like that, you're embarrassing me." I then hugged him , burying my face in his chest.

"-Never not-..." I then said before stopping out of pure embarrassment. "What was that?" I looked up at Kyle, furrowing my eyebrows slightly. "I will never not want you by my side..." Kyle just smiled at me before inching closer, giving me a quick kiss.

"Hey Kyle, (Y/n)- Oh, did I ruin something?" I jumped slightly before looking towards the door, seeing Stan. I just laughed slightly. Of course it had to be Stan, the same dude that ruined the moment Kyle and I had at the very start. 

"God damn it Stan, what is it?" I smiled slightly as I looked at Kyle before looking at Stan again, waiting for his answer.

"Well, it wasn't really anything important so I'll just leave..." "No, just spit it out, you've already ruined the mood." I just laughed again, I loved it when Kyle was slightly annoyed. "Well, We're going to the pool on Friday after school, so bring your swimwear to school- This is awkward, I'll leave now." 

I just chuckled again before looking at Kyle. "We should leave as well, our next class starts in twenty minutes." "That gives us twenty minutes to spare." He just said before pulling me into a hug again.

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