Chapter 25

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"H-Hey... Don't worry (Y/n)." I pulled the sleeping girl into a hug, making sure not to disturb her sleep. "I'm here, and I won't leave you until you tell me to leave. I love you." I felt the girl immediately relax in my arms.

God, I really love this girl.

Your POV

I slowly gained consciousness, feeling a warm, rather comforting feeling around my body. I opened my left eye, slowly looking down at the warm body sleeping on my stomach. It was Kyle. He was kneeling on the floor, resting his arms and head against my abdomen. I couldn't help but to blush a little. He was really cute right now. I raised my arm slightly, hesitating before slowly moving it towards the red, curly hair, petting it slightly while smiling. I kept on petting his thick hair for at least five minutes, tangling my long fingers into the red curls. I didn't even notice his eyes open to reveal his emerald green eyes.

"W-What're you doing?" My eyes widened as I quickly pulled my hand away from his hair. He just raised his head, sitting on the floor with a straight back. "I'm sorry, I must've been heavy." I shook my head, sitting up as well before staring down at my hand, still blushing. "I-I don't know why I was touching your hair. It was weird, I'm sorry." I looked up at Kyle who smirked slightly. "No, it's not weird..." He then looked away, muttering something while blushing a lot. "What?" He closes his eyes, facing me once again before opening them, smiling and blushing a lot. "It's really adorable, you're adorable."

My eyes widen as my face went completely red in embarrassment. "W-W-Wha- shut up!" I said as I laughed, softly punching his shoulder. Before looking at his face, locking eyes with him when I noticed how much he was looking at me. "D-Do I have something in my face?" He didn't answer, he just slowly inched closer. I just closed my eyes, waiting patiently before feeling his lips on mine. We'd done this a couple of times, being all lovey dovey I mean, but it felt as if we hadn't done it like this in a while, with these emotions, at least not since Vicky clawed her way into my life again. Things have been rather tense in a way between us. I've missed this, him so much. I quickly melted into the kiss, following his lip's movements with my own. He was about to pull away, but I didn't want to, I wanted closure. I needed closure.

I caught his lips the exact same moment he'd pulled away, grabbing onto his shirt slightly to keep him close. I didn't want him to leave. I can't be alone.

"I need you Kyle."

He quickly pulled away, starring at me with wide eyes and a faint blush. "W-What did you just say (Y/n)?" I just swallowed, looking down at my hands slightly as I struggled with an answer. I wasn't quite sure what that was. I wasn't quite sure what it was that was happening to me. I had no clue. I felt like a wreck.

"(Y/N)?" I looked up at Kyle, having tears blur the image of the redhead. "K-Kyle?" I felt tears start to stream down my cheeks as I struggled to get these things, these thoughts off my chest.

I love you Kyle

I don't want you to leave me Kyle

I don't want to leave you Kyle

I almost died yesterday Kyle

Would you think I'm a freak Kyle?

Do you thing I'm a freak Kyle?


"I don't want to be alone Kyle."

I leaned forward, putting my forehead on his shoulder as I kept on crying. I was probably so fucking ugly right now, but I couldn't control it. I had some sort of heart attack yesterday, and I thought I'd never get to see this perfect human being again. I thought I'd die all alone. And he didn't even know about it.

"(Y/n)? What's wrong?" I just kept on sobbing as the tears continued to fall down my cheeks. "Kyle- I- I love you- A-And something's wrong." He just kept quiet as I continued to speak. "I-I... I-" I stopped myself, I wanted to trust this guy, I really did, but the last time I trusted someone it went to complete shit. I wanted to tell him, tell him that I was a weirdo with a voice in my head, a voice that made me feel like shit all the time. I wanted to tell him that it was telling me that he didn't love me, that Vicky was a bitch, that everyone hated me.

That I was alone.

But I couldn't. I couldn't manage to trust him just yet.

"I-I-" "-(Y/n), tell me when you're ready. You don't have to force yourself. I assure you that I will wait until you're ready." I wrapped my arms around his torso, pulling him closer as I buried my face in the nape of his neck. He just responded by stroking my hair, calming me down as he did. I'm a piece of shit, I know. This guy loved me with his whole heart, and I did the same. But what is love if there aren't any trust?

"H-Hey, Kyle?" "Mm?" He continued to play with my hair. I've never felt this safe, ever. And it was something with Kyle that made the voices go away. It felt really comforting. I wanted to ask him to come with me to the dare today. But something told me that he would take it the wrong way, and that I would regret it. He and Vicky'd been getting rather close lately. But this was no time to get jealous. And more importantly, I think I needed some alone time with Vicky to be honest.

"Do you think that Vicky's changed?" Kyle continued to calm me by playing with my hair, which I really appreciated. "I don't know what she was like before, but I think that she's really trying to make up for what she did, even if it's unforgivable..." I inhaled sharply as I thought about what he said before closing my eyes. A sigh escaped my now dry lips. I pulled away, opening my eyes as I looked at him.

"Thank you Kyle, I mean this when I say it, I don't know what I would do without you. I love you."

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