chapter 1

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I used to sit by the warm, capturing fire beside my grandma and cuddle up with my twin brother every night to hear the same mesmerizing story until we all fell asleep together. It was like a ritual we would do every night as a family. Not as in 'call the demon here' ritual , something to look forward thing.

Our grandmother wasn't the type of people you would call simple. Our house was always full with random stuff that she bought and she bought a lot of c*ap . She never really went outside unless there were needs and I think that's where I get it from. I'm a quiet girl. I don't make friends easily and when I do they end up either forgetting me or go against me. I was only ever comfortable around my family and they would normally describe me crazy.

" come here miho"

She would say as me and my brother used to race over to her and squeeze ourselves onto her and lay our heads against her  shoulders. They were as soft as a pillow, not like those nannies that have bony shoulders. We were lucky to have a nan with soft shoulders. It was one of the random things we liked about her. Random.

" Nana, story"

Ollie would cry , he would say that every night without getting tired. It was like he was a parrot. He would repeat the same sentence every evening without hesitation.

Nana would make a small hum every time the story started. When I asked her about it she said the angles would sing it every time one of their own had passed away.

" angels can't die"

I would say in a annoying judgy voice and beam my little girly smile, she would chuckle and hug me tight and whisper in my ear.

" ah,miho, but they do, only if certain people kill them"

" I don't get it"

She let out a soft chuckle and stroked my hair. The feeling made me comforted all of a sudden .

" one day you'll understand ."

I would look at her in disbelief and then think about what she meant, I thought it was an adult-kid thing, like those things your not meant to know as a kid , like boys. Or cooties.

" Nana, story."

We both flinched out of our tiny conversation and she would begin...

" once apon a heaven, when the angels roamed around. They lived in a kingdom up in the sky,

The city of light they would call it , a place where only angels could walk,all types of them, they were all treated as equals , even the most powerful would bow down to the least powerful to show them respect because they were all created the same, but some were gifted more than the others but that did not stop the angels from treating each other like brothers and sisters.

Then there was the land of the God's, where the most powerful God's would rule, unlike the world of angels, zuess the king of all he was as handsome as a sun and as courageous as a lion. they named him the lightning god because he controlled the lightning , not many people knew this but he was also the god of elements. "  She said in a whispery tone that made both Ollie and I gasp

Everyone in the land of humans would pray to them and the messengers, also known as the heavenly angles would fly their way from the human land holding prayers and make their way towards the God land, only one angel was aloud through the gate parting the gods land and any other land ever created. She was the most trusted angel of all. Katherine, she was named, oh, and her name suited her as well as Cinderella glass slipper shoes. She was the most beautiful creation in her time, she was, everyone admired her, she was  beautiful!
And one day the powerful Zuess fell deeply in love with her. He couldn't wait for her to come at all, it was like He was a clock ticking, when the time came He would wait beside the gate. He wanted her to be beside her all the time. Day and night. Forever, after a very long hustle she soon fell in love with him too, inseparable they were. So deeply in love. Magic, some people say, but I know that it was true love. You see miho, I believe in their love like the sun and the moon, it was gorgeous, still is to this day,

They were so in love they had a child. A girl. A child of mixed breed . A hybrid . An amazing creations that the worlds has ever seen.  But the day of arrival they had a surprise! Two children, Zuess was shocked, his wife had not only given birth to one child but Two! Another hybrid! A gift of the sun and moon, one was a beautiful girl and one was a handsome boy, Zuess  could not be any happier in his life of eternity, he had the love of his life and two amazing children but then an evil specimen also known as the God of fire  Hades' generations. One of his children Matos, became jealous because it was forbidden for any God to fall in love and that zues had broke his own rule.

The God of fire resurrected beings from The dead and created an army, he had opened war over the God-land. They tried  their very best to take over the God-land. They ruined every temple and palace ever made for any God. So then the war began..

Zues became familiar of this war after a while, he was so busy with his new-born children that he had not noticed the chaos the God of fire made. He was quite deaf if you ask me"

Ollie an I  chuckled a little bit at what she says because she would always try to lighten up the mood no matter how much we didn't need it.

"The war went on for several days. But in the end the gods came to an agreement , that the kids would not grow up in the gold-land but in the human land called earth and Zuess was never to see the queen again. If the rules were broken death would be the penalty. It took time for Matos to agree but he did in the end.

But still the God of fire was angry , he said that he would leave them alone until they reach their 18th birthday and if the kids could not defeat him he will first kill the children and then take over the land of God's.

Zuess had made a great sacrifice that day when he made the choice to agree. It was the worst thing the God king could ever do. He had not known anyone trustworthy in earth so he went on a travel  to the land of angels and ask the queens mother if she could look after them. Protect them. Care for them like a mother and a father. She would be their guardian until they hit their age of 18, After the king Zeuss had even went  down on both knees and begged for her help. After hours and hours of begging, She agreed.

She would look after them as if they were her own. But Zuess did not know how long he had left and when he came back his wife was laying there with blood  oozing down all over her and as he looked around the walls were dripping with blood. Zeiss was terrified of the look some say he fainted. Zuess blamed only and only the God of fire and banished him to the world beneath.

The underworld. The world where only evil lived. The God of fire had never even heard of such a place until that day.

The children were then sent to earth with the queen and she trained them for the worst. She would tell a story of the same every night. So that the children would never forget. They would never forget that they were heavens last hope..

The end... "

By then Ollie is fast asleep but my eyes were still open and I was begging for more of the story. If I had the time I could say all of the story of by heart and not miss a word.

" Are you not tired miho?"

She asked me once .  I shook my head rapidly. My answer was no.

" nana?"

"Yes miho?"

"Will the kids ever beat The God of fire, I mean, Matos?"

" I believe in them. But nothing is known right yet. They may even fall. It's just a story though miho, don't you with about this. Go to sleep now."


" die , miho"

" if Ollie died I would kill everybody that ever lived nana"

" that's why you two are the best set of twins I have ever met"
She would say and send us to bed. That was one of the best moments in the day because I would come up with amazing new different ways to wake him up a.d force him upstairs.

But of course that was a story we heard 10 years ago, we didn't even think about how specific the story was,

only that it was an amazing story and that I would do anything ever to hear the end of the story...


Huh? Huh? Like it? Please do cuz a jus spent like three dAys only on the editing' 

I'm not as talented as other writers but I have a he'll of an imagination.

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