Chapter 7

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I look at her with an amazing amount of disgust and just dreamed that I could kill her now. Like, right now, I was so ready to just attack her with all of my might.

She looked back at Mika with fear and hope, like she was expecting something else but Mika just shrugged and winked at her. He was leaning against a wall and I'm sure he was expecting a fight and he wanted to watch it. Not the dirty kind, but the kind of wink you would give to encourage someone. She took a deep breath and started to talk.

" umm, okay, let's get this straight, I was sent by Azaros to piss you off but actually I'm your team leader and now that I know you can survive, you two will be a great part of this team."

"My names ivory, by the way"

What team?

Ollie,like always, read my mind and asked for me.


She paused a second and looked back at Mika,

Seriously,what the hell is he going to do?

" we are a part of a team to eliminate demons and bring the world back to harmony, and if we don't ,the world will come to a painful end and it will be our fault."

Oh, like that has no pressure.....NOT!

  "There are six teams, each team has a different sector of demons, we are part of them, we are team A, the leader team, we take care of the serious and not so serious demons,  that is why you three have been chosen specifically,I am your captain and leader of all teams, and if I die during battle,  my second, I haven't quite chosen them, will take over for me, and just so you know, one of this group will be my second so don't die"

It took me a few seconds to take that all in but I did and it scared the heck out of me.

I looked back at Ollie and he just looked at his knee and then locked eye contact with ivory. She must of understood him because she pointed at his knee and carried on blabbering

" oh, and that will go away in a few days, I especially didn't make it deep enough for long-term damage"

Oh, that makes everything better...NOT!!

I give up giving her a death stare and help Ollie back to his bed, laying his leg straight , I ignore her and sit down on my be reading the rusty thing I found in the library.

" is that normal?"

I hear whispers in the corner of the room and I decide to listen. So what , I'm nosy, sue me.

" yeah, I think, she might start talking to you later on but she'll ignore you for a while"

"Oh, that's not good, she needs to bond with us or she'll die"

"She has a secure bond with her twin, she still might need to bond with us but it might take time."

"We don't have time Mika, he's coming and we need to find the legend twins,that's why we brought them here, they know how to think like twins"

My heart started to race. She knows that we are the twins right? Oh, yeah,can't tell anyone!

"I know, but somethings off,"

"Okay,forget it, what have you found out?"

What was so important about us that everyone was so tense about? Why were we this important?

" nothing much, she had a picture, you know , the ones where...."

"Yeah, i know"

What? What was it? Argggg! These people annoy me. What the hell was a picture?

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