chapter 13

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I couldn't move my mouth to speak, I wanted to be able to say something but the lack of brain I was having, it was impossible.

Mika was the Prince of goddamn hell!

"W-what were y-you investigating?"

"Ang, we were investigating why he was having red eyes"

Brace yourself ang, this is going to be rough

I think

I Hope not.


"I,uh, he is a descendant of a demon, cratax, and therefore he has these 'panic attacks'.and anyway, he wouldn't be able  to walk through the barrier if he was.

"Ollie, is he matos' descendant?"

"No, why?"

I let out a deep sigh  in relief,

Why did I care?

Good question brain.

"Oh, nothing"

Then why did he say those things when he was drunk?

Key word angel, DRUNK

Stupid brain.

I seriously need to stop arguing with myself. Make a friend angel.

I set my eyes back on the river and watch as the faint fishes jump out and go in circles,

it was actually quite beautiful, it was like they had already planned the way they danced,

They're just so pretty and they were born to be like this, whilst humans have  to work to look like  a specific something.

I stare down at my ring and start fiddling with the gem placed in the middle, admiring its small beauty.

Everything seems beautiful, why can't I seem beautiful?

What the hell are you talking about?!?!

Crazy lady, focus!

My gaze walked back over to the river again, no matter how many times I look away, the river pulls me in again each time more closer, more deeper.

For a split second, everything seemed normal, everything seemed like it was going to be okay and the worlds safety wasn't placed on our shoulders, everything was calm and it was going to be alright,

Then reality slapped me in the face hard like a ton of brick walls.

I lay my head back on the tree, breathing out a loud sigh and started to think of what we should do,

A plan. Something that would be fool proof and something that will work.

we only had eight and a half months left until the world came to an end, seems like forever but also feels like tomorrow,

I had pin pointed 12 different points that I hoped one would be the gateway to hell,

I had carefully placed the pin points according to the amount of demons that were killed around there.

I found it quite humorous actually, people would look for the gateway to heaven when Ollie and I are going to look for the gateway that even demons shiver from fear when they hear the name.


I looked back at my twin and saw that he was on the verge of sleeping, his eyes were almost closing, he was obviously tired.

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