chapter 6

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I squinted my eyes to see where I was and I saw Mika still cramming me and snapping his fingers right in front of my face. My body took time replying to my needs and when it did I pulled mika's hand off of my face and rubbed my temples to calm my sudden headache.

He looked at me in confusions and probably was thinking on what type of wierdo I was,

" you alive in there?"

He asked, his lips now in a tight line.


I asked , eager to find the answer.

Instead of answering he just smirked and left the hut. Without a jacket. I looked around me and saw that Ollie was still sleeping and it had gone dark. What was that? It was probably one of my instant daydreams do I decided to ignore it. For a second everything and anything was just muffled and nothing made sense.

I looked back at Ollie and saw he was smiling in his sleep. It plastered an grin on my face and a chuckle escaped my dry lips. I felt almost like everything was stationary a few seconds later and realized I had only seen the bathroom and this huge room with four beds. I didn't really pay any attention to the room but now that I did a lot seemed different,

After I got up from my bed I put on my jacket and headed on to look around the hut, it was full of rooms I hadn't explored and I wondered why I didn't do it before. I walked down the wooden corridor looking through all of the doors . The corridors were full of old photos and small paragraphs hidden underneath.

There were two bathrooms, a plain room with a desk , a small kitchen ,a room with sports equipment and my favourite room, the library. At first it looks like it's just a small room but when you walk in you see that the room is 20 times the house, it was gorgeous and I felt like I was in heaven. Most likely magic, I thought. It wouldn't surprise me after today really,

I take a gaze through the room and decided to read something, I deserved that, right? I'm not that type of girl that cries with 16 bars of chocolate and 12 tubs of cookie dough ice cream just because she broke her nail, I'm afraid to think what they would do if someone they love dies,

I scoot around the shelves and see if any of the books catch my attention but none of them do, so I carry on searching the room, my eyes fall upon a shelf that was red and white .

They all read something different but they all had the same things in common,
Half of them were about history in angels and the other half was the same but about demons.


I pick it the book in the middle and sit down into a rocking chair I had found lying around next to the old piano in the corner of this huge room.
I remember that Ollie and I learned how to play the piano and Ollie thought it was stupid so he would sing, he has an amazing voice that I adore and could listen to, I've tried singing to but my voice isn't anywhere near as amazing as his.

If we weren't stuck in between all of this we were going to go live and tour the world with our music, cheesy? Yes. But is it worth it? Hell yes.

I sip on the coffee I made and start turning the pages on the old book and dive into the words.

Angels: Angels are creatures of light, they are made of pure goodness and nothing more.

Angels vary in different sorts and are given different jobs. Some are more serious than others but none the less important, if an angel stepped out of line then the whole world might even come to an end.

Angels roamed the human world in disguise as different creatures to bring the world back to its original goodness until  early 300. Then an angel started to get tired of this his name was hell, he gave himself this name after beading a difference, normally angels do not have feelings but this specific angel did, his feelings started affecting others and after a while he convinced a group of angels to turn against them, thus the demons were born,

The demons created a portal the world underneath, and named it after their leader, hell.  Zuess became responsible of this mishap but decided to keep this the way it was, he claimed that the world needed a little bad to keep the world in balance, but they would have limits, boundaries they cannot cross, and so the world was left that way and the world has continued ever since.

Demons: demons are creatures of pure evil and darkness, though their looks are heavenly and their charm as dangerous they bring nothing but disaster and badness to whomever they have crossed.

The ruler of the underworld had a son made out of lava and chaos called hades and sent him to rule the underworld whilst he could leave this misery of a place, gladly hades accepted this offer and ruled hell and vowed in brining this world to crumble at his feet. Hell left his demon of a son happily and passed away , leaving only his name on the gateway to the underworld.

Soon after hells death, hades had children, even though he had thought them the worst ways of their life and brought them up to be evil one of the children had fallen in love with an angel, even though he denied this good feeling he couldn't help it. He was furious when he had heard that this angel had given birth to twins and their father was the one and only god of all gods, he swore to the god that of by their eighteenth birthday they had not killed him self  he would first destroy them and then take over the world...

I turn the page eagerly but then I noticed that I was at the end of the description...

How long ago was this? Was we even the twins the story was going on about? I pick my mug up to take a sip but then see that I had finished it whilst I was reading, I put the mug aside and close the book in my hands, carrying it to the piano,

I take a seat in the elongated chair in front of the piano and start pressing the old keys, at first a cloud of dust fills my face and then the gorgeous sound of the keys ring in my ears, the sound of pianos was always magical to me, even before magic was real. I start pressing the keys to a song I had learned a long time ago and then I find myself singing along to the song.

You give me a reason

Something to believe in ,

Small footsteps enter the room and stop next to me and lay it's arms in the top of the piano, my eyes are closed because I was to mesmerized by the music I could hardly move my eyelids.

I get myself captivated when I hear the soft words of Ollie sing along to me. I had played this song at school to a play the school had organized. A long smile attached itself to either side of my cheeks but I couldn't help but think of nana, no matter how sad I was this song just ended up making me even sadder..

I wish I was there with you,
Oh I wish I was there with you,

The lyrics stopped me from playing and I looked up to see Ollie staring at me with a soft smile trying not to make me sadder,

" you can try to say no, but you have a good voice ang,"

He says holding his hand out, I get out of my sitting position and take his hand, I turn my head and take the book before leading Ollie back to the room,

" what's that?"

He says motioning the book,

" hopefully, answers" I say , my grip tightening on the dusty book.

We walk back into the big room and see the last person had moved in, we look around to see whilst I sit Ollie down and my jaw drops at the person standing in front of me...


Go follow these also random people and give them some love,

Did you like this twist, cuz it jus took me layk three hours to think of,


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