5. Cute Smile?

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"Long time, no see," Abby remarked as her lips pulled into a smirk.

I grinned at her and cheered, "Yeah, freedom! Finally!"

"Yeah, at least you're out of the hospital," she agreed, then she sent me an apologetic look. "I'm sorry I couldn't visit you, by the way."

I waved her off. "It's cool, there really wasn't much visiting going on, anyway. I was asleep most of the time," I said to ease her mind.

That must have worked because she smiled mischievously. "Yeah, you're not much fun to visit anyway."

"I am, just not when I'm asleep," I retorted.

She scoffed. "You wish. We usually just end up playing video games, anyway."

"What's wrong with video games?"

She dramatically rolled her eyes. "Hm, let me think. They're all exactly the same. You run into a building, get shot, and die..." She trailed off, after saying die, then she quickly sent me another apologetic smile.

A few seconds of awkward silence ensued, but luckily Leo approached us. "Hey, Ethan. I didn't know you were out of the hospital yet." He leaned against the locker next to mine and sent me a grin.

Why are my cheeks so hot? And why is his smile so cute? Cute, how is it cute? It's not...

"Eath?" Abby said, pulling me out of my thoughts.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" I questioned as I noticed the strange way Abby and Leo were staring at me.

"You kinda spaced out for a sec," Leo answered as a grin tilted his lips.

Abby snorted. "It was more than a sec."

I felt my cheeks burst into flames. "Uh...yeah. I was just released yesterday," I awkwardly replied after I finally remembered what Leo said.

Why can't I ever talk in complete sentences to this guy?

"You are better now, right?" Abby asked cautiously.

"Yeah, after some steroids, blood transfusions, and maybe too much rest"--I sent Abby a grin--"I'm good now."

Abby rolled her eyes and responded sarcastically, "You're so funny, Eath."

"I think he's pretty damn funny," Leo said, then winked at me.

He winked at me. What the hell..?

I didn't know how to respond to that, so I changed the subject. "Did you know Drew's trying out for junior varsity?" I asked, hoping they would forget our previous conversation.

Abby raised her eyebrows. "Really?"

"Really? How is that so hard to believe?" Drew interrupted as he sauntered over with Josh.  

"Hey, Drew. Little Bro," Leo said with a smirk.

Drew's question was left unanswered, as Josh glared at Leo. Josh turned to Abby and smiled flirtatiously at her. "Hey Abby."

Drew then glared at Josh, though I was the only one who noticed it.

What is going on between Drew and Abby?

"You look hot today, Abby," Josh said in an attempt to flirt with her.

"Aww thanks, Josh. You're so sweet," Abby said in a singsongy voice. Then she narrowed her eyes and dug her hand into her hip, suddenly serious. "That's the best you've got?"

ORIGINAL:The Boy With A Touch Of Cancer(BxB)Where stories live. Discover now