17. Beach day-t?

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"Abby! Abby, what hell did I do?" I groaned as I paced back and forth in my bedroom after school.

After I told Abby that Leo asked me out she demanded to help me get ready for my date -which I've been freaking out about all day.

"Ethan, stop," Abby demanded as she grabbed my shoulders, and gently pushed me down on my bed. I sat there panting slightly from how much I'd been pacing, and I stared up at her.

"It's going to be fine, trust me," she reassured me.

"But what if someone sees me with him? Someone who goes to school with us, then everyone will know I'm bi, and that I'm going on a date with a boy..." I rambled.

She sighed, interrupting my rambling. "You do like Leo, correct?"

"Of course. I really like him," I responded automatically.

She dropped her hands from my shoulders. "Then what the fuck are you worrying about? If you really like this guy, then why do you care if someone knows you're bi?"

"Because...I... Uh..." I stammered struggling to find an answer.
Why the fuck did I care so much? I really like Leo, and it's obvious that he likes me, so why do I care if someone finds out I'm gay...well...partially. Because of Allex and Ryan...you dumbass. They tortured you into never wanting to show your feelings for a boy, again...

"See? It doesn't matter. Now, let's focus on actually getting you ready for your date," she sang on her way over to my closet.

Abby sifted through my clothes, analyzing all of my shirts -with the intensity you would associate a game of professional chess with- before she pulled out a few of my button-downs and threw them on the bed. Then she turned to the dresser and started digging around for some pants to match the shirts she picked out.
She tossed some jeans on the bed after thoroughly inspecting each of them.

"Alright we have 3 outfits that would work for dinner or a movie, which is your most predictable choices, or they'll work for something fancier." She was obviously happy with the choices she made as she looked over my clothes.

I glanced down at the 3 outfits she picked out: 2 of them being dress casual (a pair of jeans and a button-down) and the 3rd was almost the same outfit I wore to the support group yesterday.

"Umm, I don't know. Which one do you think I should wear?" I helplessly looked over the outfits she picked.

Abby glanced down at the outfits and picked the one with a light blue, short-sleeved button-down, a white t-shirt, a pair of light washed jeans and a Tampa Bay Ray's hat.

"This one." She separated the outfit from the rest of them, tossing the clothes at me.

"I see you're finally going out with Leo," Drew remarked as he leaned against my doorframe.

"How do you know I'm..." I let my words trail off, fear clutching at my chest; making it harder to breathe and causing my heart to start racing faster than it was.

"Josh told me. He says your boyfriend never stops talking about you." Drew smirked, humor flashing in his gaze.

"Umm, do you...c-care if I'm...b-bi?" I stammered, awkwardly fidgeting under his gaze.

"Well, I didn't know you were bi...but no. I don't care. You know I treat all people equally." He lifted a nonchalant shoulder, obviously not the least bit bothered by my sexuality.

"So, you treat all people like their beneath you?" Abby remarked, quirking an eyebrow at him.

"Yes, because they are," he retorted, a teasing grin on his lips.

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