8. Trading Notes

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After Mom pulled into a parking space she turned to me, a warning look in her eyes. "If you start feeling bad, just text me and I'll pick you up, okay?"

I nodded. "Will do."

I flung my door open and got out of the car with Drew. "See ya later, Mom."

As Drew and I started heading into school Mom rolled her window down and yelled, "I love you guys so much! Have a great day!"

Drew turned around, not even missing a step, and awkwardly called, "Yeah, you too!" Then he turned back around, and starting walking faster; obviously as embarrassed as I was at how loudly she yelled that.

"That was fucking embarrassing," Drew muttered as we entered Oakwood.

"I know. She probably did it on purpose," I retorted.

He snorted. "Yeah, maybe. I'll see you later."

"See ya," I said as he headed upstairs to the Sophomore and Freshman portion of the school.

I headed to my own locker, keeping my head down, and hoped no one would notice me.

Unfortunately, my hopes were crushed as I heard a raspy voice I recognized--though I couldn't tell who it belonged to--say, "Hi Ethan. I'm so glad your back."

I glanced up to see Tina standing there with Abby. Apparently, Tina was the one talking to me, but it didn't sound like her normal voice for some reason. She sounded raspier than usual, quieter than usual.

"Uh, thanks. I haven't been feeling too great the last few days," I replied awkwardly before turning to my locker.

"Ugh, I know. We've been practicing our cheer's the last few days, and my voice is pretty much gone," Tina rasped barely above a whisper.

Well, at least I know why she can't talk now.

"Tina, you know what the doctor said. If you don't stop talking while you still have your voice than you won't be able to talk at all," Abby scolded.

"What doctor?" I questioned.

"Oh, Tina's parents took her to the doctor after she lost her voice...and they basically told her to shut up for a week." Abby sent a warning look at Tina, a teasing smile on her lips.

Tina nodded, then turned to her phone. She quickly typed something then Abby's phone chirped, alerting her to a text.

bby glanced at the phone then waved at Tina. "Yeah, I'll see you at lunch too."

Tina waved at me then she started quickly walking away.

"So, instead of talking non-stop to each other"--I paused to send her a smirk--"you just text non-stop?"

"Pretty much." Abby shrugged, then she paused for a beat, a serious expression taking over her features. "I'm glad you're finally back at school. You know that right?"

"Yeah, I guess you and Will's little intervention on Wednesday pulled me out of my funk," I replied only half-serious, embarrassed at how serious she was.

ORIGINAL:The Boy With A Touch Of Cancer(BxB)Where stories live. Discover now