22. Awkward Conversations With The Carter's

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"You want me to paint your nails, too?" mom asked as she caught me staring at her blood red nails.

I snorted as a hot flush started burning my skin. "No. Why would I want my nails painted?"

Mom looked at me with an amused look in her eyes. "I don't know. Why don't you tell me why Abby painted your nails last week." She winked at me as she fanned her fingernails.

How the hell does she know about that?

"Umm..h-how did you?" I stuttered nervously.

"I'm more observant than you think I am," she commented slyly.

I didn't reply as I stared down at the table, my skin igniting with a hot wildfire.

"What color do you want? Red? Green? Oh, how about blue?" Mom suggested as she carefully went through the colors in her box of nail polish.

"Uhh... I don't really..." I started.

"Just let me paint your nails, Ethan. They'll look so pretty when I'm done," she swiftly cut me off.

Oh, Jesus, she's not letting me get out of this.

"I guess blue," I said nervously.

She smiled at me as she pulled out a royal blue shade and shook it up. "You and Leo seem to be getting rather close," mom commented as she uncapped the bottle of nail polish.

Should I tell her? I mean it's obvious she probably already knows...but fuck I'm so scared of coming out...

"Umm... He's actually my...b-boy...friend," I stuttered as she took my hand and swiped the cool polish across my nail.

She paused and glanced up at me, and the look of surprise, or even shock, I expected to be in her eyes, wasn't there.
She looked...proud? I couldn't quite tell what the expression in her eyes was, but whatever it was she looked happy, not angry or shocked like I'd expected.

"Well, I'm just glad you're happy-"she paused as a look of concern filled her eyes-"you are happy right? He's not like..." Allex...

I cut her off before she could finish that sentence. "Yeah. He makes me really happy. He's so patient, and understanding, and God mom: he's so fucking sweet." I felt a weird tug at my heart as it started stuttering a fluttery beat in my chest.

"He definitely seems like a nice boy. I mean the little amount of time I've talked to him, it seems like he really likes you," mom replied with a kind smile to my hands as she was focusing on my nails.

He is a nice boy. He's amazing.

"Yeah. I really like him too," I murmured as I stared down at the glittery blue pain she was applying to my nails.

"When did you..?" I trailed off, not wanting to say the rest if that sentence. Find out that I was gay..? Well, partially.

Mom sent me a "really?" look, then said with a laugh, "Please, Eath. Your father and I have always suspected you were..." she paused like she was searching for the right word. "How do you say? A little...gay?" She sent me a teasing grin as she turned back to my hands.

Is it really that obvious? When have I ever acted gay?

"I'm uh...bisexual actually," I mumbled awkwardly, then inwardly cringed that I even told her that.

"I'm not sure what that is," she said as she finished my left hand and started working on the other one.

Oh, God, why do I have to explain this to her?

ORIGINAL:The Boy With A Touch Of Cancer(BxB)Where stories live. Discover now